Does Life Give Us A Choice, Or Is It Written?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011 at 07:18PM
Barbara Jeanne

I wrote an article "Are we living or just existing" if you haven't read it, please do. It is in my articles, and one that was published. The article states do we follow our dreams, or somehow do we lose them and all we are left with is this overwhelming feeling of the big nothing. I saw a movie last night, I won't give the name, so I won't ruin it for those still looking to see it. In the movie the man was desperately trying to find a woman that he had met in a bathroom, but for certain reasons he was not allowed to seek her. Even though a higher power said he must stop, he kept on looking, with obstacles in his way. He never gave up. They say we have a path and are destiny is written and known before we are born. Is that always the case or can we change our path and our destiny? I truly believe we are able to change what was set for us. Just like the saying is said. Nothing is set in stone. The thing that puzzles me though, people have seemed to have lost the passion, that if it doesn't come easy, they are not willing to fight for it. Married people stay in non existing relationships. People continue to work in jobs they hate. As if they have no other choices. That is sad and not true. I am all for keeping the family together and to try to work it out. Life is just not about one sitting back and taking the ride. It is about driving, grabbing hold of the wheel and stirring to the path you desire. We have one life, we do not get a do over. We are not on earth to exist but to live. It is for fighting for the job that you want. If you do not speak up, they will give it to the person that did apply. How about the person you see at the grocery store, wanting to meet them but not thinking, I will never see them again. Taking that risk and going up and saying hello, asking them for their number, taking that chance. Taking that leap of faith and getting married, even though the divorce rate is through the roof. Maybe if we put as much effort as we did when we wanted that toy at Christmas, or that person you wanted before you conquered them. Treating them like you did the first day you saw them, when you were tongue tied and blushing. Your relationship would survive. As we sit and think every night how bored we are with our lives, sitting there with the television on and our laptop on our laps. It is as easy to grab your partner, a bottle of wine or your favorite drink and blanket. Sit under the stars. Do not listen to negativity of what you can't do, but focus on the things you want to do but didn't have the strive to succeed. Get out and do it. You can either sit back and let your life pass you by, or live and love with passion. That knowing you get one shot at life. I heard this saying and it stuck with me..."There are some that settle, some that settle for less and some that won't settle for anything less than butterflies". Live Life With Passion!


Article originally appeared on Relationship Services (
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