For many decades it has been the man that worked and the woman that would stay at home to tend to the children. Even if she did get to go to college once she was married it was all mommy and house wife from there on in. As the years have gone by many women are no longer happy with this role and are now furthering their education to be basically anything they want to be. All the dreams that we had as a child are actually coming out to be true. The only problem with both genders in full careers it is putting marriage on hold. At time is gets postponed so many years that we now have lifetime bachelors and bachelorettes. This is not a bad thing but it is pushing off marriage to a much later date and having children at a much later age. Having my daughter at a very young age I had much energy to play with her and really enjoyed her with full energy. This is a choice I chose. I had the best of both worlds, college, marriage and a baby. I was young but I seemed to want it and I fell I handled it as mature as a young mom could have. But I think at any age being a mom will always be a new and exciting experience. What’s my point? Although it feels fabulous having a career and the financial benefit that comes with it, which is also independence. I feel we need to balance out having a career and a relationship. Why is it we have to put anything on the back burner to achieve one? A relationship is one of the most rewarding and boosting experience you can feel. Why would we want to put it off? Why can’t we have it all? I know I did it. I had my career, my child and a great relationship and none lacked. So no one should feel like they need to put love, a child or career off for a later date. Live life as it supposed to be to its fullest and sometime that brings the most wonderful surprises. Barbara Jeanne xo