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How to Work Out on the Couch or Bed

You watch one show a day that you enjoy. During that time jump on the bed and let get going for you work out. Crazy but true.So now all you have to do is move during that half an hour show. If you laying on the bed, put you hands behing your head for support to your neck. Your lower back to the matress, next do cruches. Two sets of sixteen to start off with, then increase. That is working your abs.Relax your legs straight down and squeeze your butt, same two sets of sixteen. then squeeze and hold foe a 30 second count. Next lets work out you inner and outter thighs. Legs in the air, straddle open and close. Same amount of sets.Last pulse you legs straddled for sixteen count. Lay on you back and lift you right leg extended straight out not. Do not lock your knee now take the leg up and down. Do the right leg, two sts of sixteen, then do the left leg, same amount of sets.You arre working out your quadriceps. Bring your right leg up point and flex you right ankle (foot) then your left. Two sets of sixteen.That is working your calf muxcle. Lat get om your tummy and lift your legs left to right. Two sets of sixteen, This is working your butt and hamstrings. Do what you can from this work out, take it has slow as you need. You won't realize how fast the time flies while you are watching your favorite show in bed.Even if you only do  few a night, it is better than nothing.


Sex and Fitness? 

We all know that if we feel good about ourselves, the sexier or more handsome we feel. The better you feel also increases you want to have sex. So that is how the two work together. It is not only to have sex, but when you are having sex, you are more confident. You know your partner will be holding you and you be feeling that sense of ease. Not the sense oh no don't go there, I'm puffy! I want you to not only to feel happy in bed, but puting on those jeans that were to tight. To go shopping and enjoy buying those clothes you deared not to before. So my goal is to let everyone know, yes exercising sucks. All those ads that say its fun, to those not use to it, it is not fun. So I want to make it as easy and as fun as possible in ten minutes a day. Tip for the day, don't buy snacks, you will eat them. Even for your children, their snack should be limited as well as your. Lastly, squeeze your butt and release, do two sets of sixteen throughout the day. You can do them anywhere. Keep reading to the new , happier and skinnier you! XO BARBARA JEANNE


Fitness Made Easy

I have my first ten minute video posted. Hope you joined in and worked out with me. I truly want you to know that if you do these ten minute workouts each day, you will lose the weight and shred the pounds and inches. The point is to utilize all the muscle in ten minutes and believe it, the more you work, you will start to feel a difference.. Not only will you see results, your muscles will continue working out even when you are not. If you are sitting, squeeze your butt. If you are standing squeeze your abs in and tighten and release try doing two sets of sixteen. In bed, lay on your back and put your legs up in the air. Now out and in, two sets of sixteen. So, there are a couple you can start on. For those following me, hope to see you tomorrow for Zumba. It is fun, easy and you will want more then ten minutes. Tip of the day. While you are trying to lose weight it is breakfast lunch and dinner, none of this five or six small meals a day. Let your body feel the hunger, then you know you are burning calorise. Stop thinking, I feel hungry, I need to don't. Go do something you will train you mind after 28 days to think diffrerently. See you tomorrow! XO BARBARA JEANNE

Quick Easy Ways to The Body You Always Wanted

It is a true fact that very many people out there has paid money on gym memeberships and wasted them by not going. Not only do you not end up going most of time, you end up paying for a membership you are not using. There are many dvds out there that are meant to pump you up, get you going to help you lose wieght, but they are so time consuming that most people don't have all that time. Their are even some fun dvds to work out to I must say, but, they want you to buy the box set of twelve that lasts the year, when once again, you are wasting money. As before you, after a short period of time they are on the dvd stand and haven't seen the dvd player in a while. I have been in this field for such a long time, I have managed gyms, worked at therapy and rehabs, as well as orthopedics offices and have owned my own aerobic and dance studio. Tried almost everything in the book that has come out and I have already tried it, everyone makes it look like it is something new.. So if it is out their I have done it. So I would like to share this with you. It is so simple and a fact, you can do cardio and work out every muscle group in your body, without lifting weights. With a mixture of body toning in the cardio, so you keep burning. Working on your muscle keeps you burning after the workout, to heal that muscle. So what I want to do is, give you a fun 10 minute workouteach day, along with the tips and my quote for the day on your worout here on my website. You will lose those extra pounds and you will notice a difference in three weeks. So I hope you join me. I will do all different cardio. So if you give me ten minutes each day, you will be ready for your romantinc valentine. Last, if you don't have time to watch everydaY, jump on my website, I will have quotes and tips that you can do just about anywhere, even in bed. So come join me, Let us do this together! XO Barbara Jeanne
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