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Selena’s Still Single...Haven’t You Heard?

Just like clockwork, after our post about this same topic, Selena has put out another TikTok about being single. No, it is not to promote Single Soon. Selena’s been making fun of the fact that she’s single for ages. From SNL, and all her viral videos on TikTok putting it out there. Oh, let’s not forget the viral video of her on the soccer field yelling it across the field. I’m glad she says she’s ok with it. And I’m glad she can poke fun at herself, but she seems to be going overboard just a bit.

I’m not exactly sure why she wants to be the butt of the joke, but it’s not funny to see Selena constantly making fun of herself. She admitted it’s been five years since she has dated anyone. That’s a long time. She has every right to date or not date, but the fact of the matter is that she hasn’t dated since. That is concerning. Yes, she’s dove into her work, and she’s become very successful. Good for our girl Sel. She deserves it. It is easy to find things out in my field. The word is Selena is not happy. Selena is not happy being alone and she wants to find love, and that is my concern.

She’s been waiting on Justin and that is not only unhealthy, but it’s not fair. You know that there has got to be contact between the two to give her hope to hang on. I know she’s not some crazy unstable person. They keep in contact, and he gives her hope, but that’s not right and she’s finally not ok with it. All the reasons that Justin needed to get married, legal issues, Visa, and a couple others are over, and you can say Justin’s stuck.

Justin has Hailey in one ear saying, “You can’t leave me, I’ll look like a fool, everyone will think our marriage was a charade”. But wasn’t it? No, isn’t it? He asked Selena to marry him, yet Hailey did everything possible to break them up. Well, Hailey and crazy team, and we’re supposed to feel bad for her? Justin asked Hailey to marry him two months after he asked Selena. Yet, she thought it was a good idea to say yes to a man that was hooked on drugs. This man was in no mind mentally to make any major decisions, especially being on heavy drugs. Yet they thought it was a good idea to get him to the courthouse to say “I Do”? This was a charade and every person involved knows.

Let’s not forget that Hailey promised Justin what he wanted the most: a baby immediately. Right after we say our “I do’s” we’re going to start trying. “Can’t wait to have a family” Is what she said. I spoke to an attorney in the industry and he said this is terms for an annulment, actually this could almost be criminal. To know someone is mentally ill, on drugs, and to make them sign any document is illegal.

But why does Justin have this loyalty towards Hailey even though she was always his friend with benefits? They have been pushing this friendship for so many years to the point she has almost become a sibling. A sibling in the sense of someone who you care for it, and someone who you protect. At this point, Selena isn’t getting it and says she’s done hearing it from him. Yet, she stays single and makes fun of the fact that she is. If she was truly okay, I’d say it’s absolutely her life. But if she’s not, which is what I’m hearing from a close source, then that’s sad. Some people tend to be very hard on her. By no means am I saying she was an angel, but she absolutely didn’t deserve what Hailey and all these people, including her close friends did to her.

When I saw her while she was filming in NY this year, we had a brief 5-7 minutes. She looked tired, defeated, and not so happy. Since then, she has slowly gotten herself together, and look at her now. She is shining, looking like the star she is. Her confidence is coming back, along with her spunk. Let’s pray she continues. And for goodness sake, if she is waiting for Justin, I think five years is plenty enough, I’m hoping the knight on the white horse I was talking about in the previous article does come and snatches her up, because she’s been waiting far too long, and she so deserves to be loved!


Is Selena Waiting for Justin?

It’s been 5 years that Selena admitted that she hasn’t dated. 5 years of her prime time dating life. Yes she went through a lot with Justin. Yes she was left heartbroken, but as a relationship counselor that’s not healthy. She dove into her work, which is absolutely fine if that what she wanted. But let’s look into was this. At the time it was 100% her choice. Everyone was writing me when I said Selena hadn’t moved on and many people said “she’s dating, living her fabulous life”. I always responded. “No she’s not. She’s stuck”. But why is she stuck? Is it that she doesn’t want anyone? Is she really not looking? Or could she really be waiting for Justin.

Here’s what I know. She did like Drew. They only went on a couple dates. I believe 2, and he wasn’t feeling her sadly. That stung, because she kinda really liked him. Zayn and her at one time had a little crush on each other did had a friendly dinner. Although nothing happened she thought he’d call back, but he didn’t and that hurt her feelings a bit as well. I mean every boy wanted to be with her. That was their girl crush for the longest time. And now her she is, she’s gained weight that she wasn’t happy about, and she couldn’t seem to keep it off. Which made her lose a lot of confidence.

But it seemed like everyone that she wanted wasn’t interested, and their were only one or two, and the couple that did like her, she was not interested in. So here she is now. She’s looking fabulous, feeling pretty damn good and her confidence is coming back strong. But wait, hold up, what about Justin? Is Selena waiting for this guy to clean up his act, get a divorce and come riding up on his white horse? Like in so fairytales? I think there’s a part that she has told barely anyone, but maybe a couple people who truly know. Yes, she wishes that Justin would. But he can barely show up for the woman he’s married to. But there’s a big difference. One, his relationship with Selena was completely different. He was really lovable and tender with her. He always dressed his best with Selena. Who could forget when they pulled up in the white rolls-Royce. Selena was wearing a beautiful, elegant silver gown. While Justin looked handsome in his tuxedo. Boy did it look like a Cinderella moment. When the prince comes to get his princess. That was a beautiful moment they had. Hailey doesn’t seem to get that Justin. She gets what ever the fuck he feels like at the moment. And that kinda sucks. But she’s the one that got down and dirty, doing hookah booka spells to get her man. So I don’t feel much pity for that girl. And she may love him, but I think she loves the perks more.

So what do I think is going to happen between Justin and Selena. From a very reliable source, says they both feel like they missed out. They don’t blame each other any longer. They feel they are each other’s soulmate, and absolutely want to be together. But it’s not that easy. But who knows I believe that these two were bought together by a higher power. So I believe never say never. And please don’t say, they were so young. Young love can be the purest love. And for goodness sake Selena isn’t waiting 5 years for nothing. Justin and Selena do keep in contact, and what I hear he’s asking her to wait. But how long is too long. That’s the scary part. I hope for Selena’s sake it’s not a lifetime. But don’t think Justin got off lightly either, he’s tortured as well not being in Selena. So what are the two gonna do about this? When I know anymore, you’ll definitely will be the first to know. And I’m looking into it now.

Written by: Barbara Jeanne

Administrator: Ki💐


Fresh Magic...I Wasn't Finished Yet

There is so much that I could say about this situation, but I won't. I do want to take a moment to recap and finish what was said from the previous article. I do believe from my good sources that Hailey stated doing this black magic early. around 2012. She dabbled in the light stuff because it really isn't something you want to keep playing with, but Hailey did....and contiues to till this day.

With the good comes the bad and I think she is realizing that the backlash of black magic is coming back to her and Justin. "Fuck Selena. Hailey could give a fuck what shit happened to Selena, by her doing. And looking at Selena life since Hailey came into it, it seems as though she has done a lot. Hailey has been trying to break the ties between Justin and Selena forever, but their bond seems to be unbreakable. She also has tried with these spells to have Justin fall in love with her, that also hasn't seem to happen either. Although she has gone to the best in what they do, there is more playing into this trio than the witch doctors. 

First and foremost Justin and Selena are connected and neither one wants to let go. The Jelena fans have such a strong intent that it is keeping these spells from holding. What's happening to Hailey? Well what I know she might not be the nicest of people, but that's another article. With every good, there's a bad. With every right, there's a wrong. So my point is, when you do black magic, it's bad. And everything she touches is having a bad outcome. Her line isn't doing that well, no matter how many lip balm posts she want to put up. She doesn't own her own company, so she has to answer to a man she doesn't like: Scooter Braun. Not many or any of her endorsements deals are doing too well. Justin is all over the place with his feelings for her. He loves Tokyo, so they always do well there, but coming home not so much. Supposedly she did a spell before the trip with her LA source, but I don't think that it is a strong spell, from who I heard she went to. 

Hailey putting these spells on Justin and Selena could that be why they are both not looking so good these last several years and have been sickly. And could that be why Selena had a kidney transplant at the age of 25, when there's no kidney disease in her family history. Yes, she was a partier. But that doesn't ruin your kidney at such a young age. More likely it would affect your lungs or liver. I'm not a doctor so I'm not gonna get into that. But wait a minute, Hailey was actually very pretty and I can see why Justin may of taken a liking to her. She was easy on the eyes once she got herself together and married Justin, we can't forget that most definitely helped. She cleaned up well, no matter if she got plastic surgery. Looking at her old pictures I'm thinking maybe she should've opted out on that but that's another article as well. To my eyes and my administrator we looked at many pics from many years until now and it seems like Hailey now has lost some of her beauty. I posted a video today that shows the change both with Selena and Hailey and Selena went from being stunning to struggling to put herself together. Was that the curse that Hailey put on her? You can't help to see tha huge change, Selena felt it and it made her very depressed. 

Black magic is nothing to play with but Hailey seems to think it's her way of keeping Justin and Selena apart and keeping Justin stuck. You look at him and sometimes he looks like he's in a fog. Just existing. Not the happy, motivated fun playing Justin we've seen in the past. But there is a higher power. And Hailey has gone and messed with divine intervention and it's coming back to her, so she's afraid to do major black magic. She's hearing and learning that it does come back to you, so she dabbles in light spell work to keep Justin confused. That is until the spell wears off and it seems to wear off quickly these days. But where Justin thought they had a chance and was giving it a go, he no longer is at that place. He knows Hailey is not the love of his life and Selena will always be. But he also knows that it doesn't mean, sadly that they are going to end up together. I do believe that they were brought together from a higher power, I know that it sounds corny. But it's been five years, major black magic and how many people possible trying to break them up. Yet somehow these two find some way to connect. Geez, there's music, clothing, colors, butterflies, roses, praying hands, and a partridge in a pear tree. Just kidding!!!

People ask me if I think if Justin and Selena will get back together, the answer... "I don't know". They could be a Jen and Ben deal. Where they find their way back to each other. I do know that these two still keep in contact with each other, because they are in love and don't want to lose what they have. People also ask why can't someone help him. Well if you believe in the possibilty of intent, and what you put out into the universe can come to be. Say some intentions, that Justin and Selna will no longer be affected by Hailey's black magic, or any kind of spell. As well as Justin will be able to make his own choices, to have free will to be with who he wants. I'm loving to see Selena has done some spiritual work and seems to be on a better road. She's actually looking like her beautiful happier self and that's amazing to see. Let's hope she stays healthy and on the right track. and hopefully our intentions can keep Justin and Hailey away from Hailey's hookah bookah. if you know what I mean!

Written by: Barbara Jeanne Administrator: Ki💐





Fresh Magic

This post may make you label us as crazy, but we're okay with it.

Over the past few weeks, Selena has been posting a lot of gorgeous and sexy pictures on her Instagram. Apparently, someone else has taken notice. Justin is very visual, so the influx of pictures from Selena’s Instagram inspired him to call Selena more often. Once Hailey found out about this, she was understandably angry. I heard it not only led to a huge fight between them, but it prompted Hailey to visit one of her “workers” in Los Angeles to refresh her spell work. Justin is typically seen irritated and miserable at home, but in Tokyo, he’s been happy and lighter. No, they haven’t been lovey-dovey, but they do get along better when traveling. Even though Justin hates touring, he loves to travel, and Tokyo is one of his favorite cities. So, it’s easier for them to get along when traveling, but once they return home to their typical triggers, things get difficult again. One of my sources said Justin has been told by people in his life that spell work is done on him. He has also seen this floating around on social media. He confronted Hailey about it, but she said anything she does to him is for spiritual work and healing, not harm. Justin wants to see the good in Hailey. He does not want to imagine Hailey wanting to do him harm, so if she says she is not doing anything to harm him he chooses to trust and believe her. My source says spellwork has been done on both Justin and Selena for the Baldwin family's benefit since 2012.

Selena got pregnant in 2012. Which they were both excited at first, but stangely Justin did a 180, and told Selena that he didn't want the baby and that it would ruin his career, especially with all the girl fans. Which was stranger because before that he didn't care about that and Selena was the only girl that he ever wanted. Why the sudden change? When this huge shift of asking Selena to marry him, and shifting it to Hailey in a matter of month, things didn't add up to me. Talking to my mom who is from Panama and her family being heavily into witchcraft (I do not pratice, although i grew up with it) she said that Brazil is into a dark witchcraft. Let me make this clear, who does the black magic and how powerful it is, is greatly on who does it. 

Let me not get ahead of myself, so as I was saying in 2012 is the year that Justin started acting fickle and began treating Selena poorly. Even so, he knew early that he wanted to make Selena his wife, so he proposed that year at the age of 18. They were living together during this time and navigating the dynamics of cohabitation. Obviously, Selena said no because not only were they young, but he wanted to settle down and have babies immediately. Selena was not ready for this. She was only 20 and had more that she wanted to accomplish. She was also unsure because Justin would go from being extremely affectionate and loving to being a complete jerk. Justin was often bored with the mundanity of living together and doing things like cooking dinner or having a quiet night at home. He was changing.


The 2012 proposal is said to have led to their first break up in November of that year. 2013 is the year Justin started building a reputation as a womanizer. Selena had trust issues because she always felt like something may be going on with Hailey, with the Jenners, and with young women on tour. He was constantly chased by women. Justin always assured her that nothing shady was happening, but eventually, he began to prove her right. Jealousy is not a healthy part of any relationship, but it is an age-appropriate issue for couples in their teens and early 20s to work through. The media was watching a passionate first “serious” relationship play out between young adults on the world stage. It was simply amplified by fame, money, partying, and unlimited access to anything they wanted.

In March of this year, Hailey went to Sedona, Arizona on a girls' trip with Dr. Jocelyne Miranda, among others. Sedona is known for its four main vortexes. These vortexes are a hotbed of spirtiual power that can be adventageous to those wanting to do spiritual work. Some consider Sedona a mecca for occultists and the spiritually inclined.This Sedona trip was documented on social media. Something that stuck out to me was dolls created by a Bieber super fan. These dolls were made in the clear likeness of Justin, Hailey, and others in their circle including the doctor. To be clear, I am not sure if these dolls were commissioned or if the fan made them out of her own volition as a gift. I do not believe that the fan created these dolls for nefarious or dark purposes. Witchcraft is all about intention. So even if those dolls were not created for that purpose, the recipients can weaponize their intent and use those dolls for manipulative purposes. I can’t imagine why they would choose to bring dolls on a girls' trip where they are in the desert working with cauldrons and likely drawing energy from nature. Could they have been doing work to counteract the blowback that Hailey was recieving at that time? Or were they doing some new hookah bookah spells on Justin. Beacuse his moods seem to be all over the place, espcially when it comes to Hailey.

Dr. Miranda has 20 years of experience as a chiropractor and bio-mechanics specialist for many celebrities and professional athletes. She even served as team doctor for her home country Puerto Rico’s Judo and Gymnastics teams during the 2010 Pan American games. This seems all amazing, but after doing much research with my sources, we cannot exactly find much on this doctor, including where she went to high school or college, just that it was prestige? According to her website, she has been working with Justin Bieber since 2015 and even traveled with him during his Purpose tour. She seems to have an unusually close relationship with the Biebers. The relationship is closer than what one would expect from a doctor and client. She is close enough with them to not only did she go to their wedding but attend a girls’ trip. How many of you have taken a vacation with your doctor? Dr. Miranda is not as close to the other clients that she serves. Looking at her Instagram she seemed particularly invested in the Bieber union from the beginning and has sung Hailey’s praises. After asking around, I did learn that she is known for having her hands in a few magic pots. She is into "unconventional" witchcraft that benefits her clients' wellbeing. I did hear that this is the woman that Hailey goes to to get spiritual work done. Here we have another person who helped in Hailey’s pursuit of that coveted last name.

Witchcraft interferes with free will. The victim is kept in a fog. Over time the intention wears off and free will becomes stronger, so the perpetrator must continue to redo spells in order to maintain control. The catch is when you open the door to what you want, other doors also open. You can’t necessarily control the other things that come along with your desires. With good can come evil which can attach to the perpetrator and create blowback. This may be why we see Hailey’s physical changes. When she first got married, she was a lovely girl. Justin was infatuated with her beauty. He has always appreciated a beautiful woman. She was known for her style and started to collect many fans as an up-and-coming “It Girl.” Now she’s not quite looking the same. She has lost that glow, and we also see her mirroring Justin’s style. Her husband went from adoration of her looks and model-body to teasing her for her short hair and exceptionally thin physique. This is a man that is known to "prefer models". Hailey also keeps getting into hot water with the public and is incessantly trolled on social media. I believe this is a consequence of her actions. Until she stops these acts and repents, she will continue to see negativity in her life. 

So how can we help Justin? Intent. As much as Hailey intends to keep Justin, people who care about him can use their intent to break these chains and allow him to utilize his free will. When they first married many fans were angry about the way the engagement and marriage were handled. This strong energy is the reason we were seeing Justin’s outbursts of anger toward his new bride. Blowback. The TikTok drama at the beginning of the year started breaking the spells again because so many people were discussing Jelena, and disparaging Hailey. What has been happening between Justin Haley and Selena is an open secret in Hollywood including the magic aspects. Dark magic is common in Hollywood. Why don’t people step in? Hollywood survives by a code of silence, so people are trained to mind their business. They don’t want to get involved because they fear the consequences. That does not mean that we, as people who care for those involved, cannot act. If we use our collective intention in prayer and affirmation, we can break these chains and allow Justin to live life on his own terms. No one deserves to have their free will tampered with or taken away. We can definitely see the pattern of Justin's change in behavior. But mostly he's not happy. And basically it's been too long and it really sucks! Let's get the Justin that we know and love back. 


Written by: Barbara Jeanne & KI💐 Administrator: KI💐


Welcome to the Trio

Where do we begin in this web of lies, deceit, and cheating. Is this a healthy marriage that everyone seems to talk about? How in love they look? But how easy it is to pose. What lies behind the closed doors of this trio? From what I hear is not what is seen to the public eye. Yes, many celebrities bring in professional photographer to take pictures, so they look like their most fabulous selves. But they don't take pictures to make themselves look happy but when they are taken by the paps and fans they look estranged, miserable, and not happy. Posed would be fake, photos taken while not known that are being taken are what is most likely real. And they both tell a very different story. So what is the story?

When I saw Selena and Justin in March of 2018, I thought to myself "Wow they look happy, so in love, I think they're really going to make it this time.” I no longer saw two kids that I first saw in 2011, and through their history several times. I saw two adults very much in love. So when the engagement came only two months later I was a bit dumbfounded. I think Selena was as well. I do know that she was trying to help get Justin together and get him away from the church that was sucking up his money, But being on substances Justin thought this group of people had his best interest at hand, but boy was he wrong, and Selena was trying to warn it. But Justin ran to the courthouse to get married. Why? To start a family and have a baby. See Justin did ask Selena the same question, a family with a baby. Hailey knew just how to play Justin by not having sex, and saying she was ready for a baby, Which she lied. As we know it's 2023 and still no baby. To this day Justin so desperately wants to become a dad, that he actually wrote the song "Moments" about it... Hailey didn't want a baby, so he actually went to Selena to ask her would she get back with him and have a baby. Selena actually said she would, but get divorced and clean yourself up. As you see lately Justin hasn't been looking all fucked, and you see Hailey with a drink, or even promoting drinking on her social media. Good old Justin is seen a bit healthier and drinking water. So, if he's trying good for him. 

But why is he trying to clean up? For two reasons. One because the doctor did a series of blood work on the two of them and he said they need to clean up. Justin took it seriously. With that being said, the combination with the doctor and Selena telling him he needs to get his act together, he actually is doing it. Like I said…Good for him!

So what is actually going on with the Biebers? Justin takes time away from Hailey. He is now taking more time away from Hailey than ever. Although they do better when they travel. Justin loves to travel and he loves Tokyo. But you will see a miserable Justin coming back shortly. Why? Because deep down, he's not happy. He allowed people to manipulate him into marrying a girl that was always friends with benefits. You got to know that this plan started way back when they met. And her father saw the big picture. Hailey acts like her father dragged he out of bed when that was never the case. She was at the door waiting that morning. There is always a friend that will out the truth. 

So I did say a trio. First off as I always say that if Justin and Hailey had a happy marriage, we all would of moved on. But we all see the red flags. We all see how he treats Hailey to how he treated Selena. Selena and Justin flowed, while Hailey and Justin as a whole looks forced. Not to say how he dresses to Hailey's important events, as well as how miserable he looks. Wait before you say he's not miserable, you need to watch the videos, especially in the last year. Justin looks miserable, so much that they have to do damage control the next day/week. Photographers are hired to make them look picture-perfect. But there is always someone that captures the real them.

So hold on I did say trio. Why would Selena say she hasn’t dated in five years? That’s basically since she and Justin broke up. Is it because they keep in contact? Could it be that Justin is telling her that he wants her and to wait for him? Selena may be in love still, but she’s not crazy. Is Justin telling Selena what she wants to hear? Does Selena know what is really going on in Justin and Hailey’s marriage and is she waiting? Yes, yes and yes! Does this mean that they are going to end up together? Sorry to say absolutely not at this moment. Why? first off Hailey is holding on for dear life, and Justin doesn’t want to let go because although he takes a lot of time away from Hailey, she’s always there when he’s ready to come back. Something he’s unsure if Selena would accept, if he needed to do this with her. See he doesn’t know this…and he knows what he has with Hailey and that she accepts everything.

Does this mean Hailey loes him that much, not quite. Hailey loves him, but...Hailey wants fame and fortune and it is something she is achieving with Justin. One thing she did find out, it is Justin who is in demand and not her, sadly so any conservatorship happening went out the window.The paparazzi do not even address her any longer, you always hear them yelling for Justin. She looked down on them for so long, when she thought she was something she wasn’t. She was Justin’s wife, trying to make her way, but she doesn’t have it like that to act like a diva (Does she remember when the paps and fans pushed her aside to get to Kylie, or when the paps thought she was Gigi?)

In conclusion, I am going to continue to put the pieces to the puzzle together from past, present and what I know of what I hear from good sources of this trio’s future.