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A Song With Such A Powerful Message

Melissa Etheridge wrote a beautiful song in the 80's, and when I heard the words it amazed me. It is such a simple song with simple words, with such a powerful statement. If you don't like what you see, you don't have to look at me and basically if you do not like what you're hearing you don't have to listen. Why do so many people get involved in others people’s lives? Sometimes so much that the get consumed by another person. We need to concentrate what’s on our plate, what we have going on in our own lives. If you are hurting someone else, just because you're bugged because that person is simply doing their own thing, you need to see why? Leave the person be, you do your thing, let them be to do theirs. That is why we live in America; we have freedom of speech and expression. Unless it's truly hurting you physical just don't look. xo

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