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« Love Being In Your Own Skin...It's Important to Love You! | Main | Pay It Forward »

It's In His Kiss

Did you ever wonder does he love me? When we were young we used to do the flower, he loves me he loves me not. As adults that method doesn't exactly seem to really be accurate. So how do we know? It is that song, it's in his kiss. Men think kissing is a very intimate. Take notice to the way he kisses you, with passion, romantically or is it a peck, a kiss on the forehead or cheek. You can give him the signal you don't want to be kissed by pushing him away and after a while, he may lose interest. So if you love him and he loves you kiss away, it can be hot and romantic. Good foreplay can lead to more sensual, sexual fun time. Sometimes you just want that, I love you kiss and sometimes you want that old fashion high school kiss tongue and all. Either way the way a person feels, man or woman, it's in their kiss. xo Barbara Jeanne

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December 19, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdiane

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