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Many desserts may be high in calories. Good news that many of you do not realize or know. You can have those desserts that you crave, just not as much as you might like or, if you have the dessert that you have been craving. You can't have that big dinner. You must keep the other meals small. Exchange calories intake, but you need to eat what you like. If you can train yourself to manage your calorie intake, you will conquer the way your body needs to lose or maintain your weight. All those imformecials that say the good sugars, bad sugars, it doesn't matter if you don't exercise and it is too damn confusing. Extra amount of food is going to slow down you metabelisom, even make it become dormant. That is when you put on the weiht faster. Some other people say, you can eat everything you want, as much as you want. That is true but you will be putting on the pounds, unless you do a good amount of exercising. So everything in balance will maintain your weigt. You will have to boost your metabolism to lose weight weight. So what would be considered a tastey good dessert that wont kill us. anything. The amount, small. So if you had a dessert for three hundred calories, that was half of your meal. I think this is the easiest way to lose, or at least maintain, is to count you intake. Imformercials say it is too hard to count. thaty is bull s***! So no gimmicks. No need to buy anything, well beside a calorie...and the have them at the dollar store for a buck! XO Barbara Jeanne

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