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« Keep Fit Thoughout The Holiday with Barbara Jeanne | Main | The Safe Accurate Way to Working Out (Getting Better Results Without Getting Hurt) »


    Oh my how time does fly. We are coming upon another summer. Memorial Day is only 16 days away, with summer official on June 21. We have to get going on our way to shedding those unwanted pounds. Let’s not do it in a crazy way by starving ourselves, eventually we will want food and the pounds will come back on. So what can you do to help tone up and shed a few pounds? Get in a workout every day for just about 25 minutes. That is one T.V. show. Imagine that you can lie down on your bed while you work out.

          So please don’t say you will be too tired, too busy. Think of the how amazing you will feel to throw on your clothes and feel happy with the progress you will have accomplished. That’s what losing a few pounds and getting toned does. Imagine you actually be picking out clothes that you want to wear not the clothes picking you out. You do know what I mean.

          You may be wondering what exactly you have to do to begin. First off you need to get together a song list. It is important to pick songs that you absolutely love. The first song can be a bit slower to stretch and breathe and then we need three fast songs that make you want to move your booty. Next you need to begin with a quick stretch. Reach to the sky putting your legs out in a in a V. Stretch gently to the right, and slowly take this over to the left. Drop your arms between your legs. So now you are bent over and your arms are dead weight, slowly roll up one vertebra at a time. . As you roll up breath in when you get to the standing position breath in deeply and let go of the breath. Step back on your right foot to stretch out your leg, lean back just a bit, and next stretch your left leg.

           Here we go… let’s dance. Have fun all by yourself. If you have children grab them, it is twice the fun. Use your legs, arms and waist. If you need to do stop during the three songs then do so but keep moving and build up your endurance. You are doing great. Move to your own groove and enjoy. You might be thinking when the bed comes in play. When you are changing or watching television let’s get to our abs. Push you back to the bed and lift your head…up the down and repeat 16 times. Do not jerk your shoulders or head. If you find you are using you back and not you stomach, relax for a moment and continue to build your endurance. 

          If you want to continue, put your hands under your butt and lift for a tilt in your back. Legs are in the air with the knees slightly bent. Legs go out and in 16 times. Next bring your knees into your chest and out 16 times. When you get stronger or have more time do two sets of all. Last but not least let’s work on your butt. This is the easiest in bed, making dinner, at work just squeeze and release that butt.

          This simple workout will start you on your way. The only thing left is what you eat. Keep your intake of food to 1300 to 1500 hundred for girls and 1700 to 2000 for guys. This includes drinks. I will be posting foods that will make it easier to achieve this goal. You may think that you can’t live on this little amount of food. Think around the world. We are the fattest or heaviest country in the world. So many people are living fine on less food. We can do this and achieve the body that you can put just about anything on and say “LOOKING GOOD”, with a smile.

          I will be posting a video simple and easy to following. Come have fun with me and I will also be talking about eating and other tips. So let’s get started, I’II meet you in bed…just kidding. Barbara Jeanne xo

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