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Love has no Boundaries for Race, Gender, Gender Preference & Background 

In college a young girl meets all types of people for the first time. She was always sheltered as a child, going to catholic schools her whole entire life. First year her best friend is Jewish and all her guy friends were gay. She did not judge, she loved and in return she was not judge. Especially for those that did not come out yet. She then met girls that seem interected in girls and she befriended them. They all seemed to be a happy family. No one judging one another. They went dancing, skating and shopping was their favorite. As her time went on in college, she had alot friends from all different nationalities and backgrounds. This girl with such a strict up bringing, loved anyone an everyone as if the were dear to her. She was there when her gay friends told their parents they were coming out. She as well met the man she was to married, met his family to learn she was from new jersey, he was from Vermont and that was more of a shock than to find out his sister was gay, she embraced and loved her. She attended many parties in here years at college meeting many differnt people. What she did learn was that everyone was different, but only by their personalties. Not by their nationality, back grounds or gender preference. When she got married she worked part time one Christmas at a store to make extra cash. There again she found herself having a gay best friend. She hungs out with all the guys... that were all out and would go clubbing, partying and of course shopping. Being very opened, she brought her daughter to a party. Where  she went up to her mom and asked, "why are all the boys kissing the boys". The mom replied, "because they like each other",  the little girl at the age of four replied, oh okay and turned around so natuarally, like it was nothing, a part of life. This child at the age of four was being taught, not to judge but to love. The four year olds mother and the father did not make it..yes sad to say but his sister did find a nice lady to marry. Her father at this point wa remarried with children and her step mom would not let them attend, thinking what they were doing was wrong. So off went the daughter to attend the wedding of her Aunt. Time goes by and the new step mother judges the sister for being gay. The young girl now a young lady embraces each person for who they are as did her mother. Not for their race or back ground. She as well has a sister and a brother from her fathers union to her step mother. She was taught nothing but love and she accepted the brother and sister as full siblings not half. When her brother was ready to come out, his sister was the first one to know, accept and encourage him. Love is from the heart, not whos heart it belongs to. We need to accpet and love everyone. No matter, race, gender, gernder preference and background. Love is love. When you can love with no boudaries you will get an over abundance of love in return. The person is me...and my daughter! xo Barbara Jeanne

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