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Everythng Works Out for the Best

In my experience, everything works out to enhance our lives. Even if it appears to be distinctly the opposite! All we need to do is trust in this natural law as an unfailing truth, and have faith that change can never threaten who we deeply and truly are inside. Our suffering is caused by the learned reaction of fearing the inevitable changes in life rather than embracing it.

You can come through the worst of hardships with your life better than ever before. You can triumph over your troubles. You will find in every apparent disaster the seeds of new choices and an incredible future.

I have been shown innumerable times that my faith in supreme truth is completey well-founded. But I've also had to take commited action to get there, learning from experience along the way. My faith in the eventual outcome provides me with the confidence to accept each chapter in my life story as vital to my growth and journey toward the goal, no matter how difficult that episode may be. xo Barbara Jeanne


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