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Hopes and Dreams...Good Medicine

When we are young filled with our hopes, dreams and wishes yet to come. Our hopes are high and we are pretty positive what we wish for will one day will come to be. As we grow older we come to realize we have to work for most of our dreams. Very few of us are that lucky to have them drop out of the sky onto our lap. As the year’s roll by, we take what we get and assume that is as good as it gets and settle. When you let go of those hopes of reaching your goals, you lose a little piece of yourself. What is so sad about this situation is that our dreams fade into the back of our memory. Some stay fresh but we let go of many dreams of what we wanted and it leaves us with emptiness, a void we can’t seem to capture the essence of why we feel the way we do. Years may go by and our life may change but one thing most of us do get are bills and a job to pay them and what is left over isn’t always enough to pay for the new or old dreams we have. You have to realize we are grown but we can still enjoy and love life. You may not be able to be a Super Star, President or Ms America, but you need to hold on and to keep sight of some  of those dreams, even if they may be new ones. It is a good way to achieve our goals. Keep sight of your goals, it is what keeps life in us that makes life worth living. Xo Barbara Jeanne

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