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« Men & Women Find it So Hard to Be in Love but We Want It So Badly? | Main | When You're Not Sure? Don't Let Go Of A Good Thing(you might kick yourself in the long run) »

Does True Love Really Exist? I Think So!

Whenever it may be that it is the first time that you feel you are in love, you may be young and your parents and elders may be saying, or have said this is only puppy love, this isn't real love. In fact it is the sweatiest love you may ever have. All you know is that you feel great when you are with this person and when young and in love you two are not jaded to trash the relationship into a bad situation. As we grow we get our first broken heart, first time being intimate and as we progress into young men and women we think that we can't live without the love we have for the person we are crushing so hard over. So is there real love? Absolutely! When two people meet and the sparks are just right and we get that passionate feeling for one another that we can spend the day and night without the need to venture out into the outside world, this is a good beginning. Now if we can somehow stay the person that we are this very moment then most relationship would survive but we don't or more likely can't. People change, grow and sometimes it is in two different directions. Sometimes as we get to know the person things start to bother the crap out of us. If you can focus on the good things or habits the person has, and they would do the same with you, then you two have a better chance of lasting. We pick out everything we dislike about the person, many not seeing our own flaws. If we could just keep the battle to the real important issues would be a start. Couples seem to argue about everything from the little things that annoys us to the major things that will finally take a toll on your relationship enough to bring it to an end. Before you throw your fish back into the dating pool make a check list of the good and the bad and see which one is longer. That will help you realize if it is you being overly picky or the person is not right for you. We need to stop asking everyone but ourselves what to do with our relationship. While listening to your friend that has more troubles then yourself you may lose the one that may be the right for you. So next time you are in doubt, take time to see if this person makes you happier, makes you a better person and makes you want to be with them more than anyone else. After you decided and make your choice for that always and forever remember that to achieve this goal you have to simply love. This entails making love, being the others best friend without judgment. You should want to pick this person up when they are down and most off to know at the end of the day they are there by your side and yes for better and for worse married or not. Love is love and does exist. Barbara Jeanne xo

Reader Comments (1)

I don't know about whether there exists a true love or not. We do meet someone in life whom we love very much and have to let go.I think it can considered as true love when you are becoming better with that person. It is upto everyone of us to decide to stay with that person or let go.

December 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGayleg Zangmo

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