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What Makes A Date Turn Into A Second & So On...

What are some of the biggest reason after the first date it doesn’t take off? First off if you don’t have chemistry between the two of you this is going to be a major problem and probably won’t go much further. After that if you don’t have good conversation it definitely is not going to the next level. Have you ever been out and you look at couples that are sitting there and you can almost hear the crickets. If you are more on the shy side think of things to talk about before you go on your date. Conversation is important and as you get more comfortable you will talk and laugh. This is one of the factors and the beginning of learning what you might like about this person. Last and very important do not sleep with this person. First off why would you? You don’t know them well enough to give them something so precious. Wait to get to know a person before you show them all the goods. This leaves so much to look forward to. But a kiss would be absolutely fabulous. Barbara Jeanne xo

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