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So You've Had A Change Of Heart

So you have had a change of heart and you not feeling the relationship or the person you are in it with anymore. Maybe you have already moved on and started another. Either way you want out. First off, I would think morally it would be nice to tell the person you are with before venturing off with someone else, especially before being intimate with your new interest. So many people I talk to, say that for some reason they continue to have sex with both. Stating that they had sex with the one they were leaving the night before they met up with the new one they are now seeing. Some say they had sex on the same day. That is just nasty. Where are your morals? It is worse once the person may know and they allow it, hoping the person leaving will fall back in love and say “hell I made a mistake " but that doesn't seem to happen. They have sex, even say it was great but are in the arms of the new person shorty after. Before all this happens it might be best to have the courage to be honest. Do the right thing and tell the truth. Don't drag it out having sex with both people, that's just nasty. People trying to hold onto the person they are losing doing desperate things. So if you care for them, even if you don't, remember you did at one time. Have the decency of telling you soon to be ex, it is over. Show sympathy and let them go with dignity. Remember the saying, what goes around comes around is so true and it will come back to you. So do the right thing because when the table is turned and you're the one standing there being dumped and left with a broken heart, you will thinking the same thing...this really sucks. Also before you jump over the fence make sure the grass is greener on the other side. You may think so but all you are getting into is a bunch of weeds. Then you are stuck all tangled up. What is the point...doing the right thing! XO Barbara Jeanne

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