How to Please Your Woman Sexually (Step by Step)
If you care about your woman I'm sure you would love to make her feel wonderful during love making and end with a great big orgasm. It would be even better if she would have multiple, boy you would be the man. How? It's simple. When you go down on your woman it is nice to lick, you can ask her where her spot is and what feels best, that is fine. Once you find her spot lick, slowly suck gently and find which method she likes best. Once you know she is excited, don't go down, and move around, or change motion. Keep up the same rhythm, and stay on that spot. After your lady has climaxed, don't stop, keep going softly but with the same rhythm, same place. The area is still sensitive, being able to allow her to flow into another orgasm. If you continue properly she should be able to have at least three or four orgasm, one after another. Barbara Jeanne xo
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