How To Succeed At On Line Dating
First off, don't lie or pretend you are someone you are not. Don’t lie about your weight, or put up a picture that's old and are really outdated. Most of all don't say you are single if you are in a relationship. If you are still married say you are, separated, or have a girlfriend, boyfriend etc. Treat each person you talk to with, respect and most of all, when you do go out on our date... Act normal! Men act like gentleman and woman act like ladies. Remember first impressions are everything. Keep the conversation light at first but be clear about what both parties’ intentions are. Do you want a long-term relationship, or do you want to keep it causal? The sites have all these boxes that you are supposed to check but, the fact of the matter, until you meet the person you really don't know who or what they are really about. Watch out for the on liners, those are the people that they get more of a high, by just being on line then the actual date. Beware of the people that have no intentions of meeting you. How do you know? They talk, text, e mail, and this seems to go on and on, they are either in a relationship, or you are the back up. Either way you want to be first. If it is someone who is available and ready for a relationship, and more importantly interested they will ask you on a date soon after you two begin talking. Know want you want but be open to someone that is kind, has a good heart and a good potential for a healthy relationship. Remember the title is on line dating and dating is a casual call and a date. So this can get confusing and that is why you need to be clear. Last but not least, if it feels wrong and you have that feeling, just move on. If they or things don't seem to be right over the computer, or don't seem to have time for you before you meet or even after you meet. Just let it go and move on to find someone that is worth your time, ready and wanting to get to know you. Don't stay in a situation where you are not having fun because you are not in the situation you want, or it is going nowhere. On line dating should be fun, when it gets to be a chore then step away for a while. If you have not met anyone and it’s been years, you need to re-evaluate what may be the problem. Barbara Jeanne xo
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