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« Society Says Thick is in. (There's a chart that fits to your height, what happened to that & when does thick become too heavy or obese) Written by: Nakia Brown | Main | Getting Fit, Let Me Take You Step By Step (Get to your target weight) »

So You Are Ready to Sheds Some of Your Extra Weight (fun & easy)

                         If you decided to give it a chance to shed some of those extra pounds that you have hanging around your body, well let’s get started. First off you have to commit. We are going to do a six day program. Yes I know it sounds like a lot but it really is not. It actually is necessary. It is not an intense I can’t get through it workout it is a fun I can do it no problem routine. We need to start with detoxing. Not by any crazy diet but by flushing out with drinking water. Try and stay away from the soda and sweet drinks. Keep the water flowing and let it flush out some of the bad. There will be no snaking on junk foods. This means no cakes, potato chips, candy, etc. You really don’t need to be told what the bad things that you shouldn’t be eating are. Next do not eat after dinner. If you are hungry after dinner have a half of an apple for a snack, that should be enough to curb your hunger. Then have water. Yes water, water, water. Since I am not there to work out with you, go to my videos on my website and try one that fits your fancy. If you are a beginner, I would go to the beginner aerobics. I will be posting a new video tomorrow. I will also post some good, healthy foods to eat. I will do a short workout for each day. All you need is about 10 to 15 minutes. I think that is do able, wouldn’t you say? Barbara Jeanne xo

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