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« Eating In Moderation & Exercise Will ShedThat Unwanted Weight | Main | Tomatoes Does Your Body Good with So Little Calories »

Easy Way to Keeping Those Unwanted Holidays Pounds Off

            This time of year is for the F’s…fun, family, and food.  And my oh my lots of it. With that being said we need to keep an eye on what our food intake is. You can add up many calories and put on the weight without realizing. Before you know it you have 10 unwanted pounds. Many times we put it off by saying that losing the weight will be your New Year resolution. But as we all know many times we don’t keep them. We have all good intentions on trying to keep them but when life come into play somewhere the New Year resolutions fade like the holidays that just passed. One resolution so many people make is to lose those unwanted pounds that we obtained throughout the holidays. Or maybe that unwanted weight that has been creeping up throughout the previous years. Either way many people hit the gyms but within a few days or weeks the visits to the gym become less to none.

             So what can we do to avoid this from happening, and be able to eat and enjoy but not gain too much unwanted weight? First off eat in moderation. Try to keep in mind that over stuffing or second helpings is usually not the best thing to do. Second, we have so many nice holiday songs that are quite upbeat and fast. Put together a little song list of 4 or 5 songs. Those songs that you can’t help but to get up and move that booty.  Next, dance to that music. Any steps, any movement, alone or with the children, have fun while burning calories. It’s that simple!

              Let’s tone while we are going through our daily routine. Butt squeezes are so easy to do them just about anywhere. Squeeze tight and release. Do 2 sets of 16. Stand on you tippy toes and down, do 2 sets of 16, this works your calf. While cooking or standing anywhere extend one leg back and out and lift doing 2 sets of 16. This will firm you hamstrings and you glutes. Do both legs and don’t tighten up the legs as you are lifting, just out and up. Watching television is a great way to do some exercises, one show and you are finished before it’s over.

               Imagine that watching your favorite show and doing exercise. Yes indeed it’s that easy. Stand and straddle pointing your toes outwards. Your legs should be in a V. Straddle enough that when you go down your hips are parallel to your knees and your knees to your feet. You always want your body to be in balance. This works out your inner thighs and you quads. Do 2 sets of 16. Hang in there we are almost done. When you get into bed to watch television, place your hands securely behind your head and look to the ceiling. The small of you back is placed firmly into the mattress, and knees bent up. Place your heels firmly placed into the mattress and you are ready to work the abs. Crunch up those abs doing 2 sets of 16. Don’t forget to breathe. Now if you would rather do your inner thighs in bed. Place your hands under your butt and straddle your legs up. Take them in and out, doing 2 sets of 16. Next push the heels to the ceiling doing 2 sets of 16. Bend those knees to make sure you are working those quads. For now the last thing I am going to give you is working out your arms. Extend them out. Circle your arms forward 2 sets of 16, then back 2 sets of 16. Keeping those arms extended and bring them up over your head CLAP and down, doing 2 sets of 16. You made it. Even if you aren’t buying, get out and walk the malls it’s good for your mind and body. Happy Holiday!                                               Love Barbara Jeanne xo

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