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Insecurity In a Relationship?


I see so many people that come to me for advice or just talking, being so upset. They are so insecure because the person they are with is showing them little signs of care, love or concern. They get no phone calls or little to none. Texts that show no emotions, lack of wanting to see the person and no concern for the person or why then might be upset. The problem is that they really don't know or care that they are upsetting this person that they are sharing intimate times with. People have to realize if you are sharing intimate moments there is going to be some emotions involved. It is okay if you are not ready for a relationship but men & women have to remember not to jump up and down and get all excited if you intimate friend finally texts you. Don't do handstand when they want to see you every few weeks, because they are just so damn busy. They should be ashamed that they are even treating a person this way, especially a person that they are being intimate with. If this is all you are getting you should want more, you deserve more. xo Barbara Jeanne


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