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The Way To A Healthy Relationship?


The answer to this question should be nobody. Both parties in the relationship are equal. That means you do not talk down to the other. Put down the other, that is just for starters. Second you should treat you partner as you would like to be treated, that means you don't belittle, nags or think you are superior to your mate because of status or job or any other reason. I was at a party that was held in a restaurant that turns into a night club at night. The girls were trying to get the guys jealous by dancing provocative with other men. These other men hand their arms around these girls touching their butts. These women were laughing it up acting all cute looking over at their men seeing if they were watching. I saw a couple of these men buying drinks for one of these ladies and her boyfriend said it was cool because it saves money from their pocket. In fact one guy she was dancing all sexy with ended up buying a drink for her and her boyfriend. Idiot! Most of the men wouldn't dance with their women. Is it so hard for men to make you lady happy by getting on the dance floor to please her? The men seem more concerned to drink. Maybe dancing isn't their thing but it isn't the dancing, it is more the touching the feeling and what might come from it. Men and women need to learn to reconnect. Then maybe a relationship can survive for the long haul. XO Barbara Jeanne


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