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FINDING MR. RIGHT & MS. (the true way, no BS)

So I wrote how you cannot make someone that does not love you, fall in love with you. It really gets me upset when I read books that say this, or see articles or quotes on line. I have been doing this for twenty years now and my mom has been doing this before me as well as her mom. That is such a myth to sell books or have you listen to them, saying this. This statement is absolutely false! Don't you think if it was that easy, people would be marrying the person of their dreams left and right? All your friends would be with the man their heart so desired and no single. So that brings me to what you can do and that is to help you find Mr. Right, not Mr. Right now. What is the difference? It is major...Mr. Right now, is the person that you are with, that you may have fought for their love, you have been chasing them around and they aren't treating you as you should be treated. Mr. Right is the person that you should be with, the one that will walk you down the aisle to get you married. Either it may be your first walk or have been there done that, but you want to take that walk one more time. Hopefully, this walk will be the last time and that is what I am hoping to teach people. Not what they want to hear to sell books or to make you listen to me, but what really works. If you are with a person you just do not want to give up on, there is a way to turn them around but remember they are who they are and eventually that comes out. We can give it a whirl and I will tell you how. The problem is people do not want to listen, they read but don't listen, and if they do...not so well. If you meet someone that from the get goes, you are doing the chasing, doing everything possible to make them want you... Stop Period! It is not right. If you are the one that is giving, time, energy and money...meaning trying to buy their love with gifts...Stop! If you are the one that’s touching them, caring for them and you aren't feeling that same care back...Stop! Something is wrong. You do not want to waste precious time, energy and money into a person who really doesn't give a crap. Keep your dignity intact and let us go for Mr. Right, even if you are not ready to get married, dating Mr. Rights builds your confidence and shows you the path you need to be on when you are ready and the time has come to do the walk. So how do we find Mr. Right? Give the men you meet an equal chance, yes, you have to be attracted, but you might not let those people that you may get attracted to them by how they treat you, a chance. You might get to like, even love them once you get to know them. They might be this quiet person, in the corner, but when they open up you may really like who and what you see, they might have this charisma that you get drawn to. Stop going by sight alone, or money but by personality and how they treat you. Of course chemistry is needed, but you may fall for someone that treats you so beautifully. Go out with these people that you would say no to. See if these people that you would ordinarily say no to, treats you as you know you should be treated. Do they show you respect, open the car door, treat you with care and would always be there? If they want to spend time with you and love to hear your voice. Do they answer when you call or text? All these are signs of Mr. Right. Are they a yes man, meaning when you ask of something, the answer is usually yes, because your happiness makes them happy? Is it we and not you and I? This is a big deal.  So many people hate this one but allow it. You want it to be us, but for these Mr. Wrong, they are too selfish and somehow they keep it you and I. That is your problem as much their problem, even when you are not married. If you are not married and this is how your man is, can you imagine how they will be once you are married. So many times we have these signs that show us a big red flag but yet we disregard them and put them on our back burners. Well our back burners are all filled up and yet we still go for it. Even walk down the aisle knowing the signs are not right. Then why are you surprised what you get, when they are who they were. This one goes for both men and women. Don't be surprised that once you get married you hoped they would be different, you got who you married. Now you are miserable. I am trying to eliminate this tragic problem. Hoping if you pick out Mr. Right from the get go, you will stay married. If you chose the wrong person, this is where you make the mistake of year’s sadness; just getting by, when everyone deserves a lifetime of happiness and love. So when you are with Mr. Wrong and you don't want to give up yet, how can you try to see if they can become Mr. Right, keep all these things I said on your mind, and ask for the things you know they should be doing. Stop treating them like Kings, unless you are in one of those countries that there are actual Kings chances are they are not, so stop treating them as they are, they are not. They are probably lucky to have someone like you love them as much as you do. Let them come to you. Either way, it will help you eliminate Mr. Wrong and leave room and your life open for Mr. Right. That will put you on a pedestal were we all belong. This goes for men and woman. XO Barbara Jeanne

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