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What’s Going On? Crazy Justin & Hailey Internet Stories! True Or????

So, many of you have been messaging me asking about the authenticity of a particular blind item. This blind item claims that Justin Bieber has called at least three women, with whom he has had encounters, “Selena” in bed. I am just going to come out and say this is NOT true. This never happened. I took some time both yesterday and today to make calls and do research. Many of you know that I work in entertainment journalism. We have a list at work of people both famous and non-famous that Justin has been linked to. Keep in mind these are only people that we are aware of. Oftentimes, the non-famous women are willing to talk. The women that the blind item alludes to had encounters with Justin in 2013. None of these women said that Justin called them by Selena’s name. In fact, they all said they had a great time. If you want, you can look on Google yourself for an encounter that happened with a South American woman in 2013. She was happy to speak publicly saying she had a wonderful experience with Justin. He even asked her to come back for more. Did these women look similar to Selena Gomez? Yes. He has a type, and these women share similar features. He has been mingling with Selena lookalikes since back then until now as a married man. Don’t shoot the messenger.

Now, moving on. Is Justin firing Scooter? Again, no. Justin is upset with Scooter, but is still on the hook with his contract. He has stopped recording his next project and he never wants to tour again. The problem is that the Biebers are blowing through money faster than they expected. They aren’t bringing in as much by comparison. Justin may have no choice but to get back to work sooner rather than later. Justin and Hailey were supposed to be the next “power couple". Becoming a power couple was one of the original goals of their union. Unfortunately, they continue to drop lower on the demand list for paparazzi, and “Eyebrowgate” did not help their cause. So, I was surprised to see the “power couple” phrasing used in so many of today’s articles. They are simply using the media machine, including sensationalized news and blind items, to stay relevant at this point. Justin is not firing Scooter. Scooter allegedly hit on Hailey several years ago. Allegedly, Hailey told Justin this, but no journalist has ever confirmed this to be true. Lastly and most importantly, Justin never called other women “Selena” in bed. I have no idea why they decided to mix decade-old intel with new intel and lies to drum up fresh buzz but trust that I will be here to debunk the bull. 

 I have been having fun seeing things that I say come to light months later. I was talking about issues with the catalog sale months ago. I was adamant that Justin would not be in a conservatorship when everyone was freaking out about it. Trust me, Justin is nowhere near the level that Britney was in her darkest times. I was sent threats on social media for saying that Hailey Bieber was not pregnant after the "breaking news" was announced. I called my contacts multiple times to ask about a Bieber baby. My sources said she was not pregnant, so I said she was not pregnant. The information I recieved turned out to be right. You can choose to believe me or not. It doesn't take away from my years close to the entertainment industry, the relationships that I have built, and the contacts I have. I thank those of you that have been supportive of me.

 Thank you for reading ♥️ Written by: Barbara Jeanne Administrator: Ki💐






What’s Going on Between Scooter & Justin (Blind Item) Pt 2

So I've seen the blind item that states Justin fired his manager and Scooter is now hitting on his wife. It seems to me that it's one thing after another that hits a website. The information that gets out there may not be accurate, but serves a purpose.

So let's start off with saying right before this blind item came out, the hot news was that Hailey Bieber was pregnant. This lasted almost a month before subtly breaking the news that she wasn't, but why pretend that you're pregnant? Even worse why would you give a content creator false "breaking news" so this person looks like an idiot? It is important to do your research before putting news out there instead of jumping on a bandwagon created by random people. As I said in the last article, Justin is not happy at all with Scooter Braun. Why? Because he feels as if he got totally hosed in his catalog sale. Maybe he did get hosed by selling his catalog for $200 million and losing $70 million of that money unexpectedly. With that being said, if you think a person whom you completely trusted took advantage of you, you're not going to be happy. It is normal to feel animosity toward them. If you have seen that person you trusted do another artist dirty, why would you not think that maybe they could do the same to you? What I think we have here is a little truth and a little bit of PR trying to keep Justin and, especially, Hailey on people's minds.

So what is going on with all these stories that don't seem to be true? Justin is very talented. Sometimes when you are praised as much as he was, it may go to your head. It is only natural. As a result, Justin kind of felt that everything was on his timing, but now Justin is a grown man and Scooter wants Justin to comply with his contract. This contract includes completing his album and going on tour. Justin does not want to tour anymore. I believe he wants to do his own little gigs, show up at his friends' gigs, and maybe do a couple venues here and there. He no longer wants to do major tours. These two are in a bit of a stalemate. Regardless, Scooter Braun is a businessman and Justin has a contract, so Scooter pretty much has the upper hand.

Let's not forget the second part of this article. Why does it seem that Justin and Hailey seem to have one thing after another going on in their lives to keep them in the headlines? I am not going to put Justin or Hailey down, but I want the people reading this to think. Why are these two constantly in the headlines with some crazy story when both barely work? Is it to keep them relevant? Now not only is Justin firing his manager for his catalog sale, but Scooter is hitting on his wife in this crazy blind item? All I'm saying is wait to hear it from more than one major publication. Almost every publication has sold out. I try to bring you the truth.

Everyone is wondering if Justin leaving Hailey by September? Absolutely not. Even so, he does plan to leave when the conditions are right. Justin absolutely cares about Hailey. He is protective of her and wants her to be okay. He has known her a long time and feels a certain level of loyalty, not romantic love, toward her. It was Selena that has helped them and he has professed his love for Selena through his music, and interviews. Why wouldn't he feel that he should have some loyalty towards protecting Selena when they were bashing her? That's something I have yet to figure out. He wants to be with one, but is married to the other. He pretty much stays neutral because of this. If you take a look on Instagram, even if it's just one post, Hailey is getting brutally insulted. I know for a fact that seeing these harsh comments about Hailey make him feel awful for her. I am not sure why he doesn't tell her to put the antics to rest for a while, so she can catch a break.

Many of you are asking questions and I will be getting to them all. Next we are going to dive into what Selena's single about and what are her emotions right now. A link that works will be up either later tonight or tomorrow. This is the beginning, I had to write this quickly. I only get one day off. Things are gonna get juicy. Love you all that take time to read my article. Written by: Barbara Jeanne Administrator:Ki💐


What’s Going On With Justin & Scooter? Friends 🤷🏻‍♀️

So what's going on with Scooter and Justin? I reported in June 23, 2023 and in July 18, 2023 that Justin was not happy with the sale from the catalog. The reason being was that Justin did not know that he was going to have to give Scooter and Usher 70 million out of the 200 million that he was making. So that left Justin with 130 million before he paid taxes on it. That would of brought his earnings close to 500 million. Which is a good chunk of change. But instead Justin's net worth is staying at the 300 million mark. So what's going on? Is he spending more than he's making? Yes is the answer. Is there animosity between Justin and Scooter? The answer would be absolutely. But there is not much that Justin can do because Scooter has actually been very patient with him. Justin didn't do well for the longest time. If you remember, there was a petition against him for him to be deported. We can't forget all the crazy things he did to get arrested. Scooter knew Justin was very talented so he believed in him. But it seems as Justin has given up, but it also seems that Justin seems to forget that Scooter Braun is a businessman. And let's not forget what he did to Taylor Swift. So although Scooter may be nice, he is a businessman. I remember reading an an article at work and it said that Scooter Braun's wife was so disturbed by what Scooter had done to Taylor that she didn't know what type of man she married. And it was at that point she knew that she wanted to divorce him. So, let's keep in mind the type of man he is. But that being said whatever Justin had in mind to leave Scooter was quickly dismissed. He's not going to let Justin off the hook, because Justin says he has this illness, or mental illness, you got to remember Scooter, was there and knows the complete truth. The truth that we don't even know. Kayne and Justin had a really good hard to heart talk when Justin want to see Kayne at his ranch. He told Justin how to get out of his marriage, how to get out of this group 👁️, And how to get out of a contract. Justin did not listen and you see that he is stuck. What he does that is his own business, and I am not here to say what he should, or should not do. But Kayne knew what to do and he got out of his marriage when Kim was trying to put him in a conservatorship, he got out of the 👁️, and broke contracts he no longer wanted. It seems to me he's doing pretty well and living his good life. So in conclusion, is it all good with Justin and Scooter Braun? Absolutely not. We haven't seen the two together since Justin sold his catalog. So where does it go from here? That will be in the next article about Justin and Scooter. Coming soon 🩷

Written:Barbara Jeanne Administrator:Ki💐



Justin hasn't worn his wedding band in quite some time. It seems as if Hailey and Justin do their PR gig and then they seem to go their separate ways. People are finally realizing there might be truth to this. Selena didn't want Hailey to use her name any longer to stay relevant. And no, they aren't friends. Anything Selena does is for pr to help Hailey in the past. But she's done doing that. So, Hailey thought if she was pregnant, she'd keep the talking going. So, when the rumor started, she just went with it. Then kept it going to the point that she panicked and went to a specialist to see how she could get pregnant immediately, but things didn't go well. She didn't really want to get pregnant anyway, so she posted a few pics of her stomach looking stunningly flat and deleted them...this is keeping herself relevant! Do you know how many times people have said Hailey has been pregnant during her marriage to Justin? Just about every year they've been married. Well, Justin took his pretty little lady and ran to the courthouse in September of 2018 to get married so they could start having the family he so desperately wanted immediately. (Plus, the visa, did I say that?) But Hailey would certainly have had to have told Justin that she wanted to have a baby for Justin to think this in 2018. But here we are in 2023 and Hailey is still not pregnant. So, did she just tell Justin what he wanted to hear so he'd marry her 🤔? Because Justin asked Selena the same question and gave Selena the ring and Selena put it on and wore it. Regardless, Selena told Justin that they need to work on our relationship before getting married and having a baby (and a visa😜). So, was Hailey deceitful? And did that make Justin a bit resentful towards her? I will tell you this. Many of Justin's songs that he wrote on his last 2 albums were about Selena, not Hailey. And many tracks on his new album are about Selena. Hailey realized it, they fought about it and Justin stopped recording. And Justin most likely was never Faithful to Hailey. In fact, she may have taken his phone away, so he used her phone to call his Selena look-alike side girls. When she realized that didn't work, she gave him a phone with a tracking device. But that didn't stop because he really didn't care. I have to say there is one point that he gave it a chance, but that was short-lived. I will say Justin has known Hailey for so long that he has some loyalty towards her. So, do I think that they are going to get a divorce by September? I don't think so. They're already living separately, and Hailey would rather have it this way, so she doesn't look like the loser. But it will absolutely come. But at some point, in this trio, either S & J are going to want to be together, or J is going to want out because he found someone who actually makes him happy. The problem with Selena is that to be with her he needs to get himself together. And I'm honestly not sure if he can. At least not at this point, but I hear he's trying. We'll get more into this as we go on. But as a relationship counselor, a guy can love his first love for a lifetime. Plus, these two never had closure, so that's even harder. There's so much to be told, past, present, and future.


What's going on with Selena posting old and new photos... more so than she has in awhile. Let's go back to when she posted "Lose you to Love Me" two times in one day. The second one was an older video, but it seemed to make you feel or think she was feeling distraught. So was it Justin that made her feel a bit defeated? Could it be that Justin promised her to get himself together, and come back wifeless? That's what I'm hearing. And all these photos are to get Justin to think about her. Selena went on a date with Edgar Ramirez and Justin didn't like that at all. So he showed himself with the girl you see pictured, like the day after her pics came out with Edgar. It had nothing to do with Hailey. This is between Justin and Selena. Selena knew about the girl but didn't like seeing her with Justin. As Justin didn't like seeing her with Edgar. Then she wore the butterfly ring which means "hope, faith and rebirth." Selena and Justin both used butterfly several times in their videos. They are very much in touch and they are hoping to reunite some day sooner than later. But Selena cannot do this unless Justin gets himself together. Hailey is well aware of all this but she chooses to stay. So bottom line Justin was mad when he saw these photos of Selena, so to get her back he had photos of him with that girl. We're going to deep dive into all that has gone on with this trio. Past, present and future. I've been trying since June 4th to get Squarespace to help me upgrade. And I'm going in loops with them. I don't want to lose my published work that is on this website. So until I figure it out. I'll be posting on her longer articles than on Tiktok or Instagram. This was just to touch base and see if people can get to this link. I HAVE BEEN 💯 RIGHT SO FAR WHEN EVERYONE ELSE HAS BEEN WRONG! 

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