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Making Your Next Relationship Better Than the Last...To Last!

cond time around is not like the first one. Meaning that why would you repeat the same type of relationship, with the same type of person? But we do this over and over hoping for a different outcome but guess what, that doesn’t happen. We get the same damn outcome which is disappointment. So what can we do differently to change what seems to be a pattern. First off let’s try an example. Say women out there who like bad guys, or the guy that is always the challenge or can’t commit. For men you like the woman out of your range or the good looker but shallow or can’t hold a conversation. Oh how about the selfish person who puts themselves first, always. And believe me how you act, I don’t judge to each their own. You need to change something so maybe you can mix it up and find a person that is ready for a commitment. Here’s one someone that is just a nice person that would treat you well. Another one could be a person that is not into playing games. Let’s talk healthy. This would be someone looking for love and doesn’t have a trunk of baggage they are pulling behind them like a freight train. Like I said before, when you first meet someone the relationship should be effortless. Not that you don’t want to put you best foot forward and impress by dressing your best. Manners of course are important. But don’t be someone you are not. Then after a short period of time goes by and you are dating a stranger because you weren’t being honest with whom the true you are. So the next time around can be better than the first or second and so on if we change the pattern. Now if we can accomplish this it will be so much better than the last time. Barbara Jeanne xo

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