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« You Think You're Ready To Move On From Your Relationship (Something to Think About) | Main | Making Your Next Relationship Better Than the Last...To Last! »

True Love Lost & Trying To Figure it Out What Happened...

you finally found that someone that you feel is worth to give your heart to. You feel this might be the one. Suddenly you find yourself in a relationship that you are completely happy with. They make you feel as you can be yourself. You can feel comfortable being goofy, silly and without judgment. Things are going great making you have a feeling of security and contentment. They make you feel you are everything they wanted. You somehow get so carried away, and truly believe that this is how it’s going to stay. Why wouldn’t it. Nothing has changed with who you are, how you act, or how you treat them. But right when you think things are better than ever, things start to change. Then One day out of the blue they change into a different person. Somehow your happy dream is disappearing into sadness. When you talk on the phone their voice comes through differently a distance that was never there. They don’t sound like that person that you snuggled in bed with or the one that you fitted your hands together and said they fit so well. They said you two were meant to be together. You now feel like they are becoming a stranger a feeling comes over you of desperation. You don’t want to lose this beautiful relationship that you were having. And it seems that these great memories are just becoming a dream that was. You now wonder if they have been cheating on you, or maybe found another love? Maybe they just don’t care and you are done and now a thing of the past. All you know that person who called your baby; your honey is now someone that is crushing your heart. You try to figure out in your head what happened but you can’t. You go over the relationship over and over and nothing makes sense. When you talk you ask, all you get is a little reply. Barely any words come from their mouth. Usually most people do everything and anything under the sun to get what they had back. But to be in love as a couple you need two people. All you can do at this point is have your cry, and you will. But do realize that this shall pass and the sooner you let go the sooner the pain will go. And don’t turn back if you finally get over the pain. If they left you once without a good reason why would you ever put yourself through this pain again? So unless they have one heck of a good reason for what they did to you and the pain they caused you. Nothing they can do should be good enough. You can love them but that does not mean you have to be with them. As you move on to another don’t be tainted with hurt. Not everyone well behave like this. There are many people that want healthy relationships. So as you look at the last one in your rear view mirror know they lost true love and a good thing. Remember that’s not what you had when you left them but it is what you are looking for ahead of you so keep going and you will find it. Barbara Jeanne xo

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