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When Not to Eat

When not to eat should be very simple to know, but we don't or won't seem to follow even if we do. If you want to keep those pounds down, or off. You should follow these simple rules. Do not eat when you are not hungry and do not eat atleast four hours before bed. It allow your food to digest. If you snack up until bedtime it slows down your metabolism. When you slow down your metabolism it becomes sluggish and then dormant. Which makes it harder to lose weight. You then need to kick start it, with a boost of high energy low carb foods and exercise, So, if you want to keep it simple. Eat better, and you will need less calories to burn. Tip of the day,good source of protien is tuna, or chicken breast. Fast and simple to make, also remember the way you make adds clories, so keep it simple. xo Barbara Jeanne

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