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« Getting Fit, Let Me Take You Step By Step (Get to your target weight) | Main | Work Out to See Results; Nice & Easy Here's how! (Step1) »

Getting Fit Is So Much Easier Than You Think (Let Me Get You There)

Its summer right around the corner, and it’s the last few week. Memorial Day weekend is this coming weekend but we still have a couple weeks until actual summer. And although we are in May, we have not gotten too much nice weather, especially on the East Coast. So let us try to get summer ready. I know how hard it is. I am by no means telling you to starve yourself. But most people know when they are snacking too much, picking, going for seconds and eating too many desserts. So let’s try to find a few ways to cut calories. First off in the morning, let’s start with protein or a little less calorie. Such as eggs, oatmeal, a healthy choice of cereal. Next choose you snacks, don’t wait until you’re absolutely hungry for any meal. At this point you will grab anything and usually it is an unhealthy choice. Have in your mind that you can achieve this goal and together we will make it happen. Keep the calories while trying to get down to your goal from 1300 to 1500 for woman and 1800 to 2100 for men. Keep away from fatty foods and almost everything you intake you can actually Google the amount of calories which is absolutely great. We will work on dishes to keep it fun and simple. Ok you have finished dinner and you have had your choose of snack, what do you get after this. Nothing but water unless you feel like you are going to pass out then have 4 saltines. If you are taking medication we will keep in basic to work around but find out if there is something you can’t have or need to do from your doctor. Sleep naked or light as I said this before. It will make your body need to kick start and run to keep your body warmer. That and the fact that you will wake with an empty stomach will help you lose quicker. Last thing I’m saying for now, move at work. While you’re standing squeeze those buns, stand on toes to work those calves. If you are sitting act like you are marching, or extend and fold your legs. And when you have a little bit of time put some music on and dance. Not into that walk around the block, around the house but move. You are on your way to becoming a fit, healthier you. You want to be able to pick the clothes you want. Not have the clothes pick you. Last… People come in all shapes and sizes, so find out what your target range is for you height and let’s get going. Time is ticking and summer is just about here…Yah! Barbara Jeanne xo

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