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« Getting The Body You Want (Let's Make It Easy) | Main | Let's Get Fit..It's Time to Stop the Excuses (Get Up & Do It: I'm Here to Help) »

I Am So Ready & Excited To Workout: With You!

                          I am missing my fitness roots. Being in the field for so long that it is like getting back on a bicycle. I have 12 years of experience working with an Orthopedic Dr. as well as 14 years of experience working for a Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy Center. I also owned my own dance and aerobic studio where I ran a girls dance group for 6 years as well as a female and male revue which I choreographed. I even miss doing my massage therapy, I mostly miss my clients. So many wonderful people that I have met throughout the many years that I have trained, massaged, or have taken my classes. I started out as the aerobic director in a huge resort in Vermont and I last was the fitness director at the YMCA of the Poconos.  What I want to do now is go back to my roots and have specialized classes. Personal or group classes, different packages that begin with the choice of your exercise and end with a short meditation or bio feedback and ends with a personal massage.

Classes offered   : Yoga/Pilates

                            : Low Impact Aerobics

                            : Zumba

                            : Step

                            : Kickboxing

                            : Dance/ Chair Dancing

                            : Nice and Easy

                            : Just Don’t Sit There

                            : Strength Training/ Weights

I have a 100% success rate, why? Because I am with you every step of the way and do not allow you to fail. We are in this together. If you are interested please contact me and let’s get started!

Love Barbara Jeanne xo

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