Be Healthy, Be Happy..Just By Being Yourself
I wish all people would realize how truly beautiful you all are. Some people are big, some are small but you’re still beautiful. You have unique qualities that others don’t. Get past the number on the scale, ignore the snide comments people make and love yourself. This is the only body you’re ever going to get so instead of hating it, why not learn to love it? Society is so caught up in body image when we could be focused on more important issues. NO one is perfect. Remember that next time you compare yourself to someone else. The grass is NOT greener on the other side. Being petite and thin does not make you anorexic or does having curves make you obese. We all have different body types and if everyone could just accept that, I feel that people would be a lot happier. It truly breaks my heart when someone tells me that they are too fat or too skinny and that no one will ever love you because of this. This is not true. You WILL find someone that will love you for who you are. Remember boys and girls, men and women, confidence is sexy and it doesn’t cost a thing. If you can learn to feel comfortable in your body, no one will even notice your flaws, especially if they love you. I promise you this. It would be great to have all people healthy as a whole and eating right is the way to go and to try to keep your body moving. But I do want everyone to know that this does not take away the fact that you are all beautiful in your own special way. God Bless and Just Be Happy!