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Happy Ending

Being in a positive happy mood, which I guess I pretty much always try to be. I thought i would leave tonights quote on a positive note. I believe in love and I believe that relationships can work. If you approach your relationship with the same love and passion you have for whatever it is in your life that is your favorite thing. From when you were a child maybe and was so excited because you where having your birthday party or christmas and you knew you were going to get exactly what you asked for. Or when you turned 17 and you got your first car. Maybe when you scored you first kiss. If you stayed with that passion and excitement, you might have that chance to a long lasting union. Relationships have to change, that is only natural but if you changed together in a positive direction and make it a point to continue and live you life this way with your love. Then you have a greater chance to be eatting the early special after retiirement together. I think there is nothing cooler than to see older couples in their 70's or 80's holding hands, still in love. I just think they made it through their shares of fights, wars the depression, to be here having each others back in good and bad. In sickness and in health, I know I have had my time in the hospital in the last six years and it makes you realize how much your mate cares for you, if they are by your side. That is more important than anything in the world, You realize at times like this, you can look at your sweetheart and know they might just be the one to be your always and forever, your happy ending! XO BARBARA JEANNE

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