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When Enough is Enough & Time To Call It Quits

When you are in a failing relationship we try so hard, most of us to give it your all to get back the love that you once had for one another. Most of the time it is one of the two in couple, that comes forward and brings the truth out in the open. That couple that seemed to be heading to the always and forever couple is headed for a break up. So one usually wants to see a marriage counselor, the other is reluctant. When it is too late for the counseling then the one that was once was against counseling, comes forward and says that they will try. By that time the other half of the once happy couple is done. So when do we say enough is enough. When is too late to capture the goodness you once had. First, if you are single and you have not invested much time, then bow out and call it a day. If the relationship has gone on for years, then you see if both parties are willing to work it out. If only one want to keep the fading relationship, then you have to let it go and move on. If it is meant to be the person that wants out, will have to figure it out and decide if they miss you and come back. If you are living together it makes things a bit stickier. Although not married you are a union almost living as one. So, I feel it is worth investing time in trying. Now, if married and children are involved, you have to think of the children. If you are always fighting, it is worse for the children to actually hear the fighting, then splitting up and explaining to the kids why the two of you no longer want to be together. Most of all, you have got to let them know it has nothing to do with them. Before all this, I think if a couple took the time to say I do, they should take every means and measures to stay together. If you at one time loved this person, it's a good possibility this relationship can be saved. Both partners have to be willing to work, to learn to love and be with their other half once again. I do think if a couple went out on their own and got a chance to see what they have to go through being single they might turn back around and walk back through the door. I'm not saying you can't ever or won't ever find another. I am saying it's hard to find another that you won't have any problems with. Have an open mind and really try to make what you have work. You will not only keep the family together, in the end you might be glad you did. Realize you got back your old love and lover once again. So talk, go to counseling, go on vacation, remember all those things you went through to fall in love, to be loved, and have loved your partner. Remember the good, the great accomplishments you have done has a couple. If, you tried everything and the love is gone and only then should you let it go. I know a woman that had everything she desired, a huge house, and five boys but her husband worked his butt off to accomplish these things. What she was missing was the passion and mostly her husband being home to spend time with his wife. So don't forget people are like grass, if you water the grass it flourishes, if you don't it dies. Same as love it dies. So enough is enough when you can walk away and truly have really no care or any emotions left to give, if that’s the case you can walk out and not mind that the door is closing behind you. Then that is enough. Barbara Jeanne xo

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