What Do You Want From Me? Not Sure Here's Tips for Both Involved
So you met someone that you think you want to get to know better. You may go on a few dates, hang out for a while, or maybe just hook up and realize that you don’t want any more at this point. It could be that you don’t want a commitment at this time or maybe with this person. It could be that something they did turned you off a bit. At one point you two seemed to being heading forward. You feel like you really like this person, you could even fall for them. But you see that they are pulling back. Maybe you didn’t do anything maybe they just moved on mentally and physically. Last of all they just might have met someone new. Whatever the case may be they aren’t calling, the texts are far and few between and if they do send you a text, it’s light and simple. Like maybe hey, what the heck does that mean. We all know what hey means but that’s it, that’s how much time they invest in showing you how much they care. You got to see the signs and take notice of what they might mean. Don’t go asking everyone what everything might mean. If someone likes you they show it. You feel it if they are into you. As well as if they are not. You feel it in your gut; you know it you just don’t want to admit it. The one thing that I can say that might make things easier, that when you know someone is crushing on you and in your mind you know you’re not feeling it. All it takes is a second to say to the person that you are not feeling them. Don’t leave it open because you are giving them hope and it is not fair that you may want them to hang around for if you have a change of heart. It’s not fair to this person that has fallen for you to be a plan b. If the new person doesn’t work out, you might come back around till you met the next. And please don’t keep them for sex. Don’t say “well it’s a mutual thing” it’s not. This is just a way for them to keep their foot in the door and continue to see you hoping it will work out. So be kind, be honest and tell them why you feel it didn’t work out. Keep it short and sweet, it will help them to have the closure they may need. This way they don’t have to wonder. And what goes around comes around and being rejected with no care hurts like a bitch. So play nice. Barbara Jeanne xo
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