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Love One Another

Out and about this weekend I watched people's behavior. It seems to me that everyone that I crossed paths with or had some kind of encounter with, had a very positive outlook. Kind and cordial is what I was finding as I went along my merry way. The funny thing is that a month ago I ventured out to do this test. People were rude, beeping horns, not holding doors. Sales clerks were arrogant, waiters didn't seem they thought they had to earn their tip, and people were not helping others in need. So, it was a delight to go out and see people can do the right thing and love one another. Keep it up and maybe mankind might just stand a chance. They say that it is all up to us...everyone...just how long we will survive. xo Barbara Jeanne


God's Hands

Whatever problem you may have if you try to solve it God will sit back and allow you. What ever problem you say to God " I cannot do this, I give this to you " then God will take the problem as if it were he's own and solve it. So it is best to take on the problems you can handle, but the ones you cannot leave them to a higher power. If it is your life that you cannot tackle. Leave your life in God's hands and he will get you through any problem you can't conquer, with you coming out on top. So you can try to do it yourself and have God sit back and let you, or you can put your life and your problems it in God's hands. Your choice....xo Barbara Jeanne


Feel Good..Here Is How...

Dance like there's nobody watching

Love like you'll never get hurt

Sing like there's nobody listening

Live like it's heaven on earth   

God Bless & Sweet Dreams


Never Doubt Your Intution

There is a saying know very well to women. Women's Intution is never wrong. This short statement is completety true. It's goes for men as will. I don't know if many people know that. It is not as strong but still is there. If you follow you intution to any and every question you had, you would never fail. Alot of women come to be and tell me that they think that their man is cheating, but their man swears that he isn't. So the women tend to believes him. Probally because she wants to, but her intuition is telling her the truth. Never doubt your intution. It is a gift we woman got from a higher power. So use it and stop doubting yourself and asking everyone what they think. When deep down you already know the answer. XO Barbara Jeanne


Everything Starts With A Dream

Everyone who has achieved greatness or fulfillment in life started out with a dream...An unlimited power to create lies within you. So sieze each moment, use every opportunity and create what and how you want to live your life. Just as if you are a writer and you are writing a script. Only this is reality and this is your life. You can do the same thing. Just as if you were playing baseball, so is life. Balls keep getting thrown your way, you hit some good ones, some you miss but there will be some that you hit out of the ball park and it will have you jumping for joy. Just as if you were a ball player. So stay in the game and keep playing, if you really focus on your life, the better you will get at living and the better you will get at making the right decisions. Either way life is what you make it, so be the star and have a blast. Remember you get one life. So live! XO Barbara Jeanne