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What Men Are Thinking During Love Making

So many women squirm at the thought of their man touching their bodies, especially when naked. If it is someone new then it will take a little time to become familiar with one another. If it is a one night stand, I totally disagree with them so whatever you feel is on you and you should be feeling uncomfortable because you shouldn’t put yourself in such an awkward situation. If it is a guy you really like then you need to stop freaking out and stop thinking so much because men are thinking way more positive than you may think. Most women are thinking “oh no he’s thinking my butt is too fat, by stomach is too puffy and I am so embarrassed”. Women need to relax because what men are thinking is total excitement and anticipation for what is next to come. Men are thinking in the moment and how aroused they are and hoping you are too. Don’t make him feel uncomfortable because then he will be thinking that you are not enjoying yourself and he’s probably right. You aren’t enjoying yourself because you are too busy thinking of what they are thinking. Men are way less picky about bodies then woman think. Men love a nice full set of breast but also like tiny ones. Men also like round butts and hips to hold onto. But what men like most is a woman that is having as much fun. So women need to relax, lay back and learn to enjoy. Barbara Jeanne xo


The Roller Coaster Relationship

The roller coaster relationship is when you feel like things are going great, you are happy and then out of the blue the relationship takes a turn and it’s for the worst. All of a sudden you doubt if you love your partner and if your partner is in love with you. Then once again things are looking up and things are going forward and you feel things are going to work out. Once again you feel like you are back in love. Just when you are back on track feeling that you are moving forward something always happens to take you backwards and have you doubting once again.

What you are feeling is confused and when this occurs you can make irrational decisions, which can lead to mistakes. You may feel like it is time to let this relationship go because your emotions are so up and down. It could be your mate is the one that is driving you crazy by their indecisive behavior. I once had a relationship where I had been with a guy for a while but as time went by. I hated him and loved him at the same time. Today we are friends but when I look back, he did literally drive me crazy.

First off when time is invested it is a bit harder to walk away. You think of the good times, then the bad times and you just get more confused until something happens that will be the final straw. Believe it or not something will happen that will make that final decision and make it either easy to walk away, or make that decision to stay and give it your all. But you will make one and I have to say most times it is to call it quits.

So if you are in this type of relationship where you feel so tired of being on this roller coaster of the ups and downs to the point you’re just exhausted and know you need to be out for your own peace of mind then do so. If you have given it your all don’t feel guilty, you get one life always remember this. But before doing so make sure. Take a piece of paper and make a do’s and don’ts list.  On one side write why you should stay and the other why you should leave. This is one test that never fails. If the side is saying it’s a curtain call and this act is over, bow out gracefully and know you deserve to be happy and you are not. Barbara Jeanne xo


Emotional Infidelity in Relationships (In Person Or On Line)

Emotional infidelity occurs when you or your partner become emotionally connected with someone outside of your relationship, either in person or on the Internet. But how dangerous to a marriage or committed relationship is emotional infidelity?

One way of looking at emotional infidelity is that it is very dangerous, because it not only takes away time and energy from the marriage, but it can lead to sexual infidelity and possibly to the end of marriage.

Another way of looking at it is that it is a symptom of problems that already exist within a marriage. My experience with the couples that I work with is that, when the primary relationship is not emotionally and physically intimate, each person may be vulnerable to a form of infidelity—either emotional and/or physical. Rather than blaming the affair on the problems, why not address the real problem?

Emotional affairs are compelling because it is so easy to be close with someone with whom you have no shared responsibility—no money issues, no children, no chores. It is easy to share your deepest feelings with someone with whom you have no conflict. It is easy to get the good feelings you get when someone who doesn't live with you and doesn't see all your issues thinks you are wonderful. But it is a cop-out—an easy way out of dealing with the real issues at hand. And if this affair does lead to a break up of your marriage and into a new permanent relationship, the chances are you will end up with the same problems! So why waste your time? Why not deal with the problems now?

The primary problem that leads to emotional infidelity is emotional distance between partners. While emotional infidelity is a symptom of emotional distance within the primary relationship, the emotional distance is also a symptom of the deeper issues within the relationship. It needs to be addressed. It will be hard knowing you have to let go of this new relationship that you have made but it is necessary to see if you can save what you have, especially it is a family.

You have to remember it is easy to have any relationship with no outside worries. Don't let a relationship like this fool you into throwing away the real deal You can go into any relationship and somewhere down the line, you will have problems, doubts and troubles. Their is no relationship that is trouble free for a lifetime and if you do have this, you have something very special.

We are given too many options today and it is getting in the way of having a wholesome old fashion relationship. The kind that lasts a lifetime. We need to get this back...How? Morals, you do remember them...


Keeping Old Fashion Values In A Relationship(For Your Mate & Children)

Bickering seems to be a part of many relationships these days. Sarcastic remarks are a normal part of a couple’s conversation. It’s not healthy and when I hear people bicker like this it makes me want to put ear plugs in my ears the real heavy duty kind. If children are involved in the scenario it is not good for them to be seeing this or learning this behavior, especially from their parents. Remember children are what they learn. You do not want to have the behavior as if you are bullying, reprimanding, or talking to your partner as they were a child. If you feel the need to talk down to someone you need professional help for this is not healthy for your children as well. Two people should nurture one another by bringing one up with praise and uplifting words. The more you teach your partner that you speak to them with kindness and love the more you will get the same in return. Today’s families are learning some different values then decades before. It’s what we can progress, but what is happening is the kids are being brought up with cheating, deceit and not much loyalty and the parents aren’t quiet about their angry feelings. This is what children are taking into their relationships as they grow up and if we don’t take time to rethink our values and morals we will be doomed trying to find a healthy relationship. In closing I think it’s time to bring a little more love back into the homes and if it is time to disagree, scream or yell remember gear it to the person it is intended for and behind closed doors. Even if it’s a challenge to hold it in till alone with your partner, hold it. When talking to your friends and family about the situation remember who’s at ears reach to be in taking in the conversation. When it’s time to let it out do so in a civil manner. Why? Because this person is your husband, wife, mate, and the one you say “I love you to”. Need I say more? Barbara Jeanne xo


The Do's & Don't To Finding Someone That Is A Keeper

I have literally been fascinated with love since I was in high school. Why would two people like one another? I would see so many girls crying back then from broking hearts and that seems to continue into adult hood. Here are a few things for both genders that may help eliminate some heart ache and may help in getting the person you want a little bit easier. First off this one I have been saying since college only because I know from first hand. I got married in college and I asked my then to be husband, why me? He answered “I knew it the moment I saw you, I had a teacher in grammar school named Barbara and I knew from that moment I wanted to marry a Barbara and here I was. Men usually know within the first few minutes of seeing the woman if they want something more. Many times men may feel this is the woman I want to marry. This happens more so for men than women. Women may like what they see but they need to know there is a bit more, but once a woman is hooked she falls and hard. There are a few mistakes that we make when two people meet and are attracted to each other, they have sex. If we could control our emotions to not end up in bed we have a better chance to get a bit further. First off your vagina is one of the most precious gift you can give, why would you give it to someone without knowing who they are and if they even want you more than a night or two. Women you give yourself to a man and if you are to like them and then you find they are not interested you may get you feelings hurt. You may kick yourself if you feel he was someone you were really into to. You have already given yourself to them and they are a goner it leaves you feeling absolutely crappy but learn from it. Kissing is a definite yes. Kiss a way. I have had some of my best kissing sessions on a first date. It leaves the man wanting more. I remember I was on a first date one time and a couple said to us “you two look like such a cute couple, so in love” I laughed and said I just met him tonight. Not that you should go around sucking face, I was a bit younger but you need to make to have the man want to see you, to come back for more. Personality has so much to do with a second date. Good conversation and fun are big assets to continue to dating a person, then getting to know your morals and what you are about. Compatibility of back grounds process through a man’s brain. A man can have the best time on a date, say they are ready to jump in with two feet but then when they go home their brain goes into a process mode and see if your two lives will mesh. Another thing happens is a man goes back into his own comfort zone and you might not hear from them even if they did have a great time. Then you will hear from them when they are ready to see you. That is totally up to you ladies if you want that relationship, you see me now but I’ll disappear until I’m ready to see you again. Oh but don’t worry they will keep you there by sending those texts that puts a smile on your face till the next few days goes by and you don’t hear from them. Your hearts slowly aches until they send you that text, hey you want to get together and pitter patter goes your heart. What do I think about this, its bull shit and I would not accept it. Either you’re in or out, what you will be in for if you are to except this type of man is a in and out relationship, your heart on a roller coaster ride and it truly sucks. Anyone in this situation, man or woman this to me is a no go and something I would bow out quickly from this situation and tell yourself you are way too precious then anything less than the real thing, which is true love. Barbara Jeanne xo