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What Men Wants From Women

I have written many articles to tell men what pleases a woman. I thought I would flip it up a bit and tell women what men like. When men find a women they like they show it. It is up to us to keep or lose their interest I hate to say. Once you have lost a man’s interest it is pretty hard to get it back, unless time has passed and he’s see you looking really good. At that point they may attempt to give you another whirl. When a man meets a girl it is something about the women that they takes notice in. It might be a women’s smile, their eyes, maybe she looks confident and fun. You don’t have to guess if they are interested in you; a man will always let you know. Just like us women if they are really digging the girl the man get butterflies just as we do. Excited to see and talk to us. Now as time is going by you show them what you are about and they make a mental list. Some men as well don’t pay attention to the red flags and continue with a lady that is a wrong choice.  Most men look for a woman that is kind, caring and sweet. Most men like a women that shows kindness to him as well as others. Get along with others as well. They want a woman that doesn’t mind doing things for him. It’s important that they enjoy your company and make them have the want to continue to come back to you. They love a good smelling woman; remember the movie a “Scent of a Woman”.  Men like confident woman that can make plans and doesn’t leave it up to him all the time. Sometimes women tend to nag and bitch more than their mothers and at some point it becomes a turn off, remember you are not their mom. Men would rather have a woman that allows and loves them for who they are then someone that’s hot and selfish. Women at times feel they need to be bitchy to show their man they are in control. A man likes a woman that can take charge if need be but not to tell them what they can and cannot do. When it comes down to it a man wants a kick ass girl that they have a blast with, feels comfortable and they can be themselves. Talking goes a lot further with men then yelling, they shut down.  Women in turn hate it and it then snow balls into a negative direction. Oh and if you cook that’s an asset but that is not the most important thing on their list. What is? A best friend and a lover that wants to make love to him. Last but not least, remember men that work all week don’t want their weekend manipulated by errands and everything you want them to do. So don’t plan each weekend, let them relax and in return, a man will give you so much more and you have a better chance to get that always and forever. Barbara Jeanne xo


What Was Once Love Has Turned & It Hurts

You have a relationship with a person that you are supposed to be in love with. If that in love phase has past you still have to realize you loved this person at one point. Having feelings that you thought this person might be the one. At times your words and actions can be a relationships worst enemy. You may even get to the point you purposely want to hurt this person for all the hurt they have thrown your way. Even when you are heading to the end you continue to you kick them when they are down as they do with you. When does it become too much and you have to put a stop to it and realize you have to be civil and stop hurting one another. Many times this never comes and you both end up leaving both of you wounded, crushed and broken hearted. At any point you both could have stopped it but you punch till their bruised and it doesn’t mean a care to you. Not literally but you hurt someone to the core, in their gut until they are down and can’t get up. Does your conscious ever feel sorry, even to step in and admit you were wrong, even if you both were? Can you walk away knowing you hurt someone so tremendously, leaving them devastated? How did two people get this far that you almost hate one another, and can you do something to cut you loses in a kinder manner.  When you do leave your partner and hopefully take time regroup will it ever hit you how you behaved. Will it ever come to mind how can you treat someone so poorly and leave without a thought of remorse? If this sounds like your relationship, I hope it gives you the thought to rethink how you are treating the person that you have said “I love you to”. If you are not saying I love you and you feel as it is over, go out gracefully and with kindness. It will give your mate the feeling that maybe you can both leave the relationship cordial. Barbara Jeanne xo


The YoYo Relationship (They Love Me, They Love Me Not)

Love is so hard to figure out at times. You may even wonder how much your partner really loves you. The love that you were once so certain about it is now leaving you doubting. You may even get into that yoyo relationship, where your honey may be so unloving at times, and then at other times they can show you so much love.  All this does is leaves your mind and heart more confused than ever. Thinking you want out then they show you love and you are now back in. So you get into the pattern, they love me they love me not. Until it finally gets to the point you had enough and you are a goner. This situation happens so frequently and in order to save what you have you need to nip it in the butt. People stay in this yoyo relationship for years because they get used to it but it is very unhealthy. It is also mental abuse which is just as bad as physical abuse.  What can be done to stop the situation of a downward spiral union?  When you first see the signs of the highs and lows and the flow change in the love you feel, you need to sit down with your partner.  State to them you don’t want to start this yoyo relationship. Ask them what may be bothering them, and you do the same and tell them as well. It is important to talk when you feel you two are connecting. I am a strong believer that if you bring unloving ways into the relationship or during the relationship, it then snow balls into a negative situation and becomes hard to save. Before it gets this far stop sit and talk, we all see the signs but wait until it is too late. Barbara Jeanne xo


Getting Mentally Ready To Conquer Love After a Break Up

When you are entering into a relationship after your divorce and yes please try to wait until you are completely single. Believe me you are really not ready before hand, especially if it is a relationship following by a painful break up or a long term union. Take time to regroup and get your head together, by doing so you will have a better chance of opening your heart to a healthier relationship. I am sure you have heard so many complaints how people bring there baggage to the next relationship making it doomed before you give it a good shot. It is not fair to the other person and you might lose out on a terrific person if you only waited a bit longer to get through whatever it is you head needs to clear out from. Recap on what may have went wrong, you don’t want the same situation to occur once again and take the blame for the wrong you may have done. Once you feel ready to venture out to meet someone, don’t compare them with the past. Think ahead to the opportunities of meeting someone new and how much fun it will be to experience a fresh untainted love. When you do find someone worth letting in do not talk about your past, if you are doing this continually you are not ready. Take a step back and then try it again. When the right person does come along and the timing is right allow your heart to open up to a fresh new beginning. You are now ready to love without the baggage which gives you the chance of getting your new relationship on the right road to success and happiness. Remember that what you had is over and it ended for a reason. Don’t go back to what could of, should of, would have happened because the truth of the matter it’s over and done. For you to look back is holding you back. Yes there are memories that are stored in your mind, but as far as letting it stifle you to not enter into another relationship would be ashamed. Love is the most wonderful thing that stimulates and heightens your life in the most positive way. So be ready when love comes knocking. Barbara Jeanne xo


Bring Back Good Old Fashion Love & How

Once upon a time men wanted relationships, it made them feel whole by loving and being loved by someone that they held special and dear to them. Most women love to be in love but many are also getting into the habit of just having sex. Although we are adults and we want to feel good, using vibrators, watching porn and all these internet mingle sites are crushing real loving relationships that could be. Are we getting satisfied by just flirting, hooking up and going for the hot guy or lady to have a casual fling? I am by no means saying all men and women are acting in this behavior or fashion. It can hurt those people that are out there trying to find and be in a loving relationship. They may run into someone that is looking for fun and all they end up with is a broken heart and have wasted a lot of time. Why? Because people are not always honest in what they are truly interested and looking for. Many run into people playing it up as if they want a relationship when they just want to have fun, heck some are already in a relationship. Sometimes both are in relationship and their significant other has no idea. So what is my point? We need to step back from our computers and get out into the real world. They say by using the computer to the extreme if you are using it for your means of relationships; friendships and mingling you are sending your brain the wrong unhealthy message. You are then acting on that behavior. Put porn or sex sites into the equation and this really is a relationship killer, many get hooked on being stimulated by different means instead of the real thing. It is also said that playing harsh video games does not send the right message to your brain to want or have a healthy loving relationship. We need to step away from our computers, even if it’s for the weekend. If it is work you must do on line. Do your work and step away. If you are addicted to porn, sex or dating sites you need to stay off them for nineties days to break the habit. It is important to bring back old fashion; I need and can’t live without a person. To love someone that is real and not an internet friend. This obsession is killing romance and if we lose love that would come to really suck one day. Barbara Jeanne xo