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Men,Keeping Them Or Not?




You meet someone you really like, you start dating, and things may be going well, even great. Then all of a sudden things seem to start changing. He might seem different and you are in a frenzy trying to figure out why. He's not talking. You are feeling unsure than ever. He's getting colder by the day. The calls are less. He is seeing you less. So all you can do is ask anyone and everyone that will listen....why? So let us rewind and see how to stop all these games and get your man where he should be...with you. When you meet, you need to have a good base. What does that mean; you need to have a balance of chemistry, friendship, fun and the edge of being domestic. A woman with balance of a little bit of wild with good morals, fun but always a lady. To bring you home to mom, but also hang with the boys. Don't think that there all these things or rules you need to do, or he won't like you. Let’s keep it simple. Dress to impress. Men love sun dresses and flip flops, simple but sexy. Sometimes you can bring it on; getting dressed up all sexy looking like Ms. Hottie. Men like snuggling not smothering. Men like tenderness and care, not nagging and being bitched at. This one can make a man leave, not maybe in the beginning, but at some point, he will be gone...for sure. Classy is important, no potty mouth. Men like those simple days, a nice romantic walk on the board walk, sex on the beach, when the time is right. Ladies we don't need expensive dinners all the time, an ice cream and a stroll in the park. You need to have you man wanting to see you, wanting to come home to you. They love woman who love life. Not a woman that’s pouty and down. Men like a woman that is confident and sure of them. Most men like a woman who is real. Who is down to earth. There are so many types of men, but all men like toys, so you as a woman must keep their interest almost like being a toy. You want to stay their special toy, even become their favorite toy like Woody in Toy Story. But in return they must respect you has a person after all you are not a toy you are a person and there has to be a balance. Men will be men, if they cheat or are no good, it is not you but the, and you really need to let them go. If you do find a good man, do what you have to do to keep them because they are rare. Men have to know we woman are worth something. Something so special they remember that most of all. You want him but does he deserve you? Xo Barbara Jeanne








New Year Resolution

A new year is upon us. Did you make your New Year Resolyion as we all do every year. Let us be honest, we usually fail, when it comes to keeping this There are a few out there that are able to do it. I am happy to say I kept mine of last year and stoped smoking. So once again it is time to make a new one and I would love to help those who are looking to better their relationship in the New Year or better themselves. I talk so much about relationships, let us step back and see the step to making you as a person get there. They say that if you feel good about yourself, you are happier in general. So here we go let start. The most important person YOURSELF! When you are happy, you make other people happy. The first step is building back up your relationship, step by step. Another one is you feeling better by working out. I am also a fitness director, instructor. I am certified in nutrition. I am certified in, zumba, step, aerobics, kick boxing, pilates, yoga, and i am a certified dance teacher. So starting today I will be posting up suggestions, how to work out different parts of your body. I have beenin this field, well let us just say for a very long time. I have managed gyms, owned an aerobic and dance studio and worked for an orthopedic doctor and therapist. I went back to college, to further my knowledge. So the point is, i know that everyone says they can do it but I am asking you to give me a chance to get you fit. I am making a page fitness with videos. With 10  minutes a day, you will see a difference in three weeks, 100% positive. If you follow. So why don't you make this one of your new years resolutions and let us get started! XO BARBARA JEANNE


Different Positions...Different Places



 Making love is such an important part of a relationship. Many people seem to forget this. When two people first meet, it is all hot and heavy but as time goes by it seems to get old. Infarct out comes the old pajamas. Here comes the excuse, why it is not a good time to have sex. Too tired, too busy and sometimes us woman, you know the one, we didn't shave. Or heck, maybe we do have sex and do it all hairy. Anyway, it shouldn't be like that. Sex or love making should be fun. No matter what, this is one thing I have always tried to keep intact. There are my days that I definitely am a pajama mama, especially in the winter time. It is not something that should be an everyday practice, especially in the warm weather. That is the time you can dare to go bare. That is one thing all designers, from Wal-Mart to Macys are making cute clothes in every size. Fun outfits for in and out of the house so there is no reason you can't take time to get a few outfits for the bedroom, for when you go out to dinner and just hanging around the house. Men are very visual. They like to see pretty things. I just was a party planner at a wedding, where the bride liked the groom when they first met and she said straight out “Why don't you like me" he replied “I don't like heavy girls. I told her that is horrible, but she wanted this man. She lost about 75 pounds and won him and his heart. She looked ten years younger and I have to say way better than him. He did adore her. She looked so beautiful, that I have to say that was some ambition. You should not have to change the way you look to find love, but you should want to make you mate happy, to take care of yourself. Both woman and men should groom and dress to impress and so you are feeling confident as well. So first we have looking nice, taking care of you, now, what comes next? You want to have fun. Having fun is important. It is nice to get out if you can it changes the whole atmosphere. Taking it to a different level, you can use your imagination. I started dating a guy once, had just moved in to a place and had no furnisher, threw blankets on the floor and watched TV. It was different and fun. I live by the beach; sex on the beach is nice. When you are out, touch, fondle and hold. Make each other feel like they are going to come home to the best blow job, the best pussy licking and the best sex. Build up the anticipation, so much that by the time it happens you both are about to explode. If home alone, don't go right to the bedroom. Start in the living room, or over the kitchen table. Even the floor, well a rug might be nice. Be playful, be adventurous. The worst thing you can do is pull away, or say stop. Tell your partner where to go and for goodness sakes if it feels good moan, or say it feels good. It builds your mates self-esteem. It’s also a turn on, to be verbal. If you are shy start slow practice when you are alone or with a friend. If you want to dance for you partner, there are classes now, or practice on your favorite song. The whole point is having fun. Make it a frequent thing, I know you might not be able to go out, but make love, have sex but most important thing is, does it! Barbara Jeanne xo


What Men & Women Want (In Their Words)

When people are looking for a partner, then have so many demands they tell me. So I am here to tell you what I have heard, from both the men and the woman. First off, what men said? A lot of the women they date are crazy. That was the number one complaint. They may seem normal at first they said, but either from their first date or as time went by they wanted to get out and quick. Second, men dating and in relationships both say this one...that women are controlling, nag and they don't want to be with a person like this, not for the long haul. Don't have fun with the person. If you stayed married just for the sake of the children is not only hurting the children but yourself. Believe it or not, most of the men that said anything about a woman’s appearance were men on dating sites. After they have been on the sites for a bit, they even tend to change their tune and just want a normal woman. A woman to have fun with laugh with just be a nice girl. Have a good conversation with a woman and most of all, they do want long term, but they say woman that have been married getting alimony, don't want to give it up. Last of all men want a woman that doesn't put them down, they want a best friend. So ladies, let’s go over quickly, would you want someone that was trying to tell you what to do, when to do it. Nagging at you, do this, does that. Wouldn't you want to bail after a while? They like a woman that takes care of themselves but that was not the most important thing. The most important thing was they did not want to be bitched at. Men, your turn, woman feel that you are not who they met, in the beginning you would call them all the time and make them feel like they are a priority. As time goes by, you get lazy in almost every department, especially in the bedroom. You make excuses, like if we woman believe them, woman don't fall for all your short comings. If you were more attentive you wouldn't lose your woman to your best friend or another man that is making your woman feel alive and beautiful. Take time men, to put your arms around your woman to let her know you care. Touch her softly, kiss her passionately or gentle, but kiss! Don't take her for granted, if you do she will go away leaving you wondering what did you do. That is the bigger problem; you really don't know what you did wrong so i am telling you. Get your act together and treat your lady like a woman and she will stay by your side. Last, there are the people, both men and woman that do everything right, you just got a boo bee prize. You got someone that is selfish and really doesn't give a crap, about you or much more than them. So if this is the case, and they won't change...LET IT GO!  This does not just go for men and woman but for every relationship with two people. The bottom line you got to be fun and loving at least sometimes. Who would want to be with someone that is miserable all the time? That might be your own issue. Either way if you are in a relationship and this is the cases get help and tell your mate. Ending with you want to keep everything in the relationship a bit spicy, fun and lots of love going on both ways. BARBARA JEANNE xo


Believe...In Love

Believe in yourself and everything else will follow. Everyone has to love something. The love of your partner. The love of your children, or both. The love of your job or maybe even the love of food. People must love something to strive in life. The sad part is the more I talk with people and continue counseling, the more i am hearing, O I LOVE THIS, more than I am hearing I LOVE YOU! Something tells me something is going terribly wrong. I seem to see more tempory love, then the always and forever love. This love seems to be becoming a thing of the past. So what might be going wrong? Maybe we are not going for the right person. I met a 59 year old man that told me he wants to find love, but he likes young woman in their thirties. He went on to tell me that he met the woman after years of raising hes chidren alone. He dated the woman for a short period of time and married her, three months later he divorced. Why, she was still in the staying up all night, having fun stage. The surprising part is the last part of the story was his children were just a few years younger then her. So what am I saying? Go for what is good for you. Don't go for now, go for the now and later. Ladies, stop going for the bad boys. That is what they are bad, and bad for a relationship. Men, stop looking for the perfect woman, look in the mirror do you truthfully see perfection. The whole point is to find someone that is compatible. That means, being on the same page and direction but more importantly fufilling your partners needs. For example, you partner may like to play golf alone and you may love to play tennis, but somewhere during the day you need to take time to fufill you mates needs. It could be having dinner together. Taking time to talk, or a simple quick hug and kiss. To let them know you want to show them attention. Remember, if you don't water your plant it dies. That goes the same for love, if you don't cherish it, the love will die. My guess, this has happened to many of us before, and if you don't want to change, it will continue. So why not give somone you wouldn't a chance, they might adore you and you may find that is exactly what you need. More so you might find that you learn to adore them for treating you so beautifully, that bings true love. Now, when you do find someone that you do love, don't find excuses not to be with the person. Either because you dont want to settle down, what to keep looking for the next better thing and most of all you are too selfish. So once again, I am hearing people telling me, how much they want to find true love. If that is what you are truly looking for then, look for someone looking for the same thing, period. Don't date someone hoping they will fall in love with you. People are who they are. Don't expect to change them. People waste precious time. Sometimes even leading into marriage and children. Children are always a blessing but if it is wrong, give it your all, then LET IT GO! If you are not married, why are you even staying, being miserable. Now if you look in the right direction you will find love. Believe in love...IT DOES EXSIST! XO BARBARA JEANNE