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In every relatinoship, either family friend or partner. At some point, you will have hurtful fellings in some form exchanged. After time you may let it go and move on in your relationship. For some reason when it comes to two people that are a couple, the intensity of hurting becomes overwhelming, sometime to the point of no return. So, how do we learn to let go of the hurt that accures from your partner. Forgiveness, it is one of the hardess things to do in life, but one of themost rewarding acts of unselfishness which brings back a bountiful amount of rewards in return. Imagine if you did something, that you knew hurt someone you loved tremendously, and they wouldn't forgive you, perhaps cheating. Your partner wouldn't and perhaps chouln't forgive you. Wouldn't you feel horrible, if you loved them. Maybe begging for your mercy. It may be hard to open up your heart to someone right away, but if you forgive it may save alot of marriages and relationship. You can forgive doesn't mean you have to forget, but maybe in time you will. Before you lose someone you love and get yourself in the same situation with someone else. Learn to forgive it's a good thing. xo Barbara Jeanne


The Perfect Relationship?

The prfect relationship, would it be a couple that had the big house and 2 children a boy and a girl, with a two car garage and bothe spaces wre fill with an Audi and a BMW? Let's not forget that family comes with the dog that has the collar that zaps them if they try to leave the property. Is the perfect couple. The power couple? Both people work high paying stressful jobs and their salary alone could buy plenty of stock. Let us not forget the simple couple, the man that is a blue collar worker and the mrs that stays at home and watches the children. Boy so many situation and examples. I could describe so many different couples and situations. So ask yourself what is a perfect couple to you. Married or just a couple together but single. I would have to say for me, it would be two people working together. building a furure. Enjoying each others company and being in love. Having fun, not only with each other but in life, because their relationship is that good. Their is not perfect relationship rule that you must live by. Although, there are many that you shouldn't live with or by. All I can say, if what you are doing in your relationship and if you are happy and it works for you. Then that may be your perfect relationship. We need not follow or keep up with the Jones to have a good relatoonship. Every relationship is unique. Made up by the two people. As long as it is working for you, then let it be, enjoy and live. Don't allow anyone to tell you how you should be living. As long as you are not hurting anyone, nobody has the right to say, how or what is the perfect couple. xo barbara jeanne


On Line Etiquette on Relationships

On line you really don't know who people are, just what you hear and you see. Many people are finding themselve talking to people not knowing their true status. They may start a friendly conversation that turns into flirtatious beginning to a relationship. Not knowing they have a significant other that may be in bed or just in the next  room. Maybe even sitting in the same room with different lap tops. Hell, they could both be doing the same things and not knowing. Anyway, point being, you need to check this out before you get into a heavy duty friendship that turns into chatting every night, then to texting and talking. That my friend is a relationship. Something you should not be doing. First off, you have choices. You may cut off the relatioship you are in and then knock yourself out, talking to everyone. Or stop talking to people acting like you are single, getting a head rush by flirting with someone you don't even know. It has happened, people leave their partner of so many years, to go to someone else. So let keep it straight, and be honest. Tell the person you are interested in that you are in a relationship and have no means of leaving. If you have the want to meet them and have a relatioship with them. Do the right thing, tell your partner. Don't leave your family and wife, a good healthy family, to make yourself happy. You don't know what you are getting yourself into. There is a thing called karma, and you don't want it to come bite you on your ass, Bad karma can be a bitch. xo barbara jeanne


If You Could Turn Back Time

If you could turn go back tIme to any point in your relationship. Where and when would it be. In the very beginning, when you two couldn't get enough of each other. Or when the two of you first said I love you to each other. Maybe when you knew you were in a commited relationship. Could it be when you got married, or had your children. Point being, you had many good memories. Somehow in the mist of everything, the good part of your relationship, got lost. So where do you go to find it and get it back. First step, look at pictures of the two of you when you were happy. Or vidoes if you have them. Now remember how much fun you had and how you felt about one another. Pull out old cards or notes they wrote to you. It is important to keep these things. So you see, there was good, loving times. Now think how you felt about the person at that time, where you were laughing in the pictures or videos, holding each other. Stop and capture that moment in your mind and heart. what does all this mean? If you have invested all this time with a person, you have built up many good memories, at some point all we can do is think of the bad until it overcomes us and that is what consumes us. which is not healthy for the relationship and may even end it. So before you jump out and say you are going to find someone new. First offf know there is not much out there. Second, all relationships will become the same without wok and dedication and last, you have this person in your life. Give your relationship a chance  to be renewed and maybe survive. You can't turn back time, but you can look back and see all the good times, loving times and remember there once was massive amount of love. It may be able to come back if you will open your heart and mind and try. If you say, nah it is just over, then that is what it will be, over. When you get into the next relationship and you get to the same place, do think of me! So work with what you have. teach each other to love and care, be tender. That is just the beginning. All you have to do is the same thing you did to fall in love with each other, then you will have wonderful new times ahead! XO BARBARA JEANNE



Men Stop Being Shallow Hal

If you ever say the movie with Jack Black. It IS a man that is very shallow. Will only go out with really good looking woman, although he is just an average looking man. Then he get hypnotized and sees people for their heart and falls in love with a large woman thinking she is sexy and skinny. He continues this relationship until he is back to reality and wants to break up with her. Once she is gone he realizes he lost a really good, kind hearted woman. That movie is not to far fetch to what men do and act. Oh, and how men look. So, woman we ask men to stop being so shallow, you are not all that and to please stop acting like you should be with a ten. If you had a good heart, yes, you have to be attracted to the person absolutely, but they need not be model material. Look at the womans heart. Is she a good person. How would she treat you, If the answer is good, then give a woman you might not a chance. If I even have to tell you this, you don't even deserve a good woman. You might deserve that shallow girl. Hopefully you were raised with the phrase, it whats in the inside that counts. You can always work on the outside. but you can't usually change mean people. So when you see that woman that you might never of asked out. Ask, you might get heavenly surprised! xo Barbara Jeanne