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Ten Things to Please a Man

  1. Be happy when your man is around, that makes him feel  like you want him. If you are ignoring or act like you don't care, inventually they will leave and move on to someone that will.
  2. Stop nagging and bitching. If you want something done, sweetness works better on a man then yelling. Don't tell them what they should be doing, they are men. If there is something that needs to be done, talk to him, not only like a man but like a person.
  3. Make him dinner. espeacially if you are married, if he is off to work all day. He will truly appreciate this. Even if you are not married. Men love to be taken care of. He should do the same for you ladies.
  4. Let a man be himself. So many times a woman tries to change his man. It is fine to want him to be the best he can be, but allow him to keep the boy in him.
  5. Nothing he does is stupid. Woman tend to think things men do are dumb, stupid things. The way they do them doesn't make sense, but unless it is reckless, let them be the man.
  6. Don't push your man away when they are trying to have sex, fondle or touch you, usaully woman do start this one, and it snow balls into the men doing the same thing, until there is no sex or intimacy.
  7. Be their best frind, meaning, whatever they have to say, accept it like have done with your best friend for so many years. By doing this, they will feel confortable to tell you anything. So instead of guessing, you will no longer have to do that because he will be telling you...Best friend!
  8. Think of ways to keep your romance alive, men should do this but we woman have better and cleaner imaginations. So all those sexy or sensual things you see on television or the movies. Act them out, they might not be the same but it will be fun trying.
  9. Take care of yourself. I am not saying you have to look like a girl in a magazine what so ever. You can clean up and put on a cute outfit, something that goes together. As easy as it was to put on that old tee shirt and sweats. Men are visual, they will notice that you are doing this. Do it for yourself and for your man. You will feel better as well, and it will help in the intamacy department. Also once in a while put on something sexy in the bedroom that you are comfortable in. Putting on something sexy or even the the little outfit will make you have more confidence in yourself.
  10. Make your man feel like they are the only man in the world. When you say to your man, that you can do better, that they are not fufilling your needs. or that you are going to leave them. You are trainning the man to think this way, and it doesn't help. It just builds in their head that you don't want them and eventually it will back fire and they will bail, or lose the love they had for you. Espeacially if you say you are going to cheat. Men can not handle being told that. So unless you do want to lose you man, then stop! You want the man to be afraid that they are going to lose you but what you are doing is losing slowly!

 I have asked this question to many men since my paper in college and there so afterwards. Men all had the same answers. that I have written above. There are men out there that really don't care, so no matter how much you do or try, they will never be satisfy. They are just dicks, and they will cheat on you and not treat you how you should be treated. In this case, let them go, and find someone that will be good to you!



10 Things To Please A Woman


  1. Praise her...It will build her cofidence. Help her to be herself. Love herself, that will make her love you more.
  2. Show her love and tenderness...It will make her feel wanted, cared for and loved. Which, she will mirror this affection back to you.
  3. Tell her she looks beautiful...It will make her want to look good to hear it again and again. It will also make her want to dress for you, because it shows her, you take time to notice.
  4. Remember important dates...When you met, birthday, anniversaries, events. Show she is important. Even remember her favorite song. You two should have a favorite song, or songs together.
  5. Listen to what she has to say...Remember it. So when she asks you. You know what she is talking about. It shows her what she has to say is important to you as well, which shows her that she is important.
  6. Do little things that make her feel her flower, geez, pick her flowers. When you are out and see something that reminds you of her, pick it up.
  7. IF it is important to her, it is important to matter what the cause or is case is. Her fight should be your fight as well. Her battle is your battle. Stand by your woman. In every way
  8. Don't be must love yourself to love another, but don't put yourself first all the time, that is selfishness, to fulfill your needs first all the time.
  9. Have fun...don't shut down everything your partner wants to do. Or every idea she has. Watch her shows, as she watches yours. Go places together, I'm not saying everywhere. Go to dinner, laugh, and enjoy each other's company. If you treat her with number one through nine, she will adore you and it leads to ten.
  10. Sex...passionate, hot, heavy and sweaty. Then other times, slow soft and sensual. Have foreplay. Don't stick your penis in all dry, come on. That is not only lazy and wrong. It hurts. Lick, tease and please.

 If you can continuously do these ten things then you will have one happy woman. If she still is not happy, then you have to ask her what will make her happy, if it Is all material things then that will be your choose. Good Luck!   XO BARBARA JEANNE


Believe...In You


At a Christmas party I was talking to a girl that had a one year old. She said to me, I wanted to wear something like you are wearing but my friend said to me “I needed to cover my big butt". First off, her butt was not big, second how dear that friend. When stating something you want to say. Use a little kindness in your words. I told her you could have worn this. She had less confidence because of what her friend had said. I think that there is so much negativity from one person to another, no wonder people is so unsure of themselves. So I am not saying lie. Think how you would like to be told. If there is someone in your life that is negative, that is not a healthy relationship. Yes people get down or can be in a bad mood at times but if that is their personality is this as a whole... It is time to let it go at least for now. Sometimes a friend that you were so close to, or even a relationship you may be in, you need to back up for a bit. A best friend down the line can become an old friend and a relationship can turn around in a positive direction when they know you will not accept being put down and negativity. You can do badly alone. You can beat yourself up. When you feel this way it is the positive people that you want in your life. Stay away from people that bring you down and you need to do this. So many people are depressed at times, even on anti-depressants. If you need them for goodness sakes take them, but give this a try.  If you are feeling down find things that make you happy. Hang out with friends, family or do a hobby you like. Have fun in life and you will see you will attract a more positive and happier life. If you believe in you....people will we to! XO BARBARA JEANNE


The Way You Love

The way we love as I was saying before gets mirrored back. So if you are hard and cold, after a while that is what will be mirrored back to you in a relationship. You want to keep it soft and loving. You want to be tender to each other. If you practice this each day, you will learn that this is how you do it. Men follow woman, sorry to say, in this department. Most times it is the woman that has to remember, everything sugar and spice brings back the same. I'm not saying that you can't, or won't argue but I am saying that if you treat you man with care and love from the get go that is what you should get back. They will learn and follow, but more important, they will want to follow how you are treating them. Not just because it feels nice to be treated so sweetly, hopefully also because they care. Now if for some reason they don't follow you, that is when you remind them how you treat them and will accept nothing less. You want a kind loving relationship; this is a suggestion that might help. Try this and see if it might work. xo Barbara Jeanne


No Potty Mouth

We are so used to using words that aren't exactly nice that we carry them into our relationship. I am one not to curse to begin with. I guess why is because when I was in eighth grade I thought it was cool and a boy came up to me and said you are so pretty, you shouldn't be talking like that. It made an impact on me that lasted my lifetime. So it is something I have practiced and in my research something I found men aren't thrilled with as well. In a relationship, when you get into a heated argument, right away, maybe the word bitch might come out of the guys’ mouth and the girl will throw one back. Believe it or not that is verbal abuse and neither the man nor woman should be talking like that. So woman remember that in most relationships we actually lead. Men mirror us woman. So if you bring it into the relationship it is your fault. A man should never talk to you like that nor should you to him. One time in my entire life, in a relationship I was in my boyfriend said f*** you, and I replied back, yea you do but i don't cum. He never said it again. That was the one and only time I was ever told a bad word in a relationship. I'm not saying walk around like angels, you dropped something on your toe you might scream out f*** or whatever, but don't practice using it on each other. xo Barbara Jeanne