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Keeping Fit Is A Natural Remedy to Looking Young (You Don't Need Pain, You Need Consistency)

        What is a natural remedy of staying young? Exercise, if you doubt it then take a minute to look at people that have put in time to exercise. Fitness was my life for, well forever it seems and I feel like it has kept not only my body but my entire being youthful. We spend so much money to get results because it is the easy solution if you have the means but to me it is my life to move, to be fit. I am by no means putting down people who don’t work out. But I am saying the benefits are amazing and wonderful. Our society is now saying that thick girls are the in thing. When in fact most think girls are overweight. I was watching this show called Girl Code. A big girl herself said that, if you have a big butt, that’s a good thing. Show you asset. If you have a big chest, that’s not a bad thing, show your assets. But if you have big legs, butt, gut and chest, you need to put on a whole lot of makeup. She was right and she was a big girl herself as I had said. If you are big all away around you have to think when does thick become overweight which becomes a health risk. I have to say I have not had any work done and I am proud that I am blessed with have a youthful body as well as face. It was a lifetime of work. It is never too late to start to workout. Or for all those people that give up over and over. You don’t need to feel pain to feel like you are getting a workout in. If you give me 20 minutes 5 to 6 days a week, you will see results that will be noticeable. It is also great for your mind, heart, soul and body. It boosts your confidence and it keeps your mind youthful. Find your way of exercising and move your body and if you aren’t sure…. Pick one of my videos for starters and GO! Barbara Jeanne xo            


Society Says Thick is in. (There's a chart that fits to your height, what happened to that & when does thick become too heavy or obese) Written by: Nakia Brown

                      Fashion will always change but the style one possesses will always remain the same. All types of technology in the world will continue to evolve beyond what we ever are able to imagine. As the world will live in continue to vastly change, the media has subconsciously embedded into our brains that everything new is good. 


           As much as we move forward into a more health conscious way of life, the media constantly contradicts the stigma of what "healthy" really is. When did thick become the new in thing for today's woman? I say "thick" because that is what it's being called but in all actuality it's overweight. I appreciate all forms of a woman's body. Every detail of every curve is a beautiful form of imperfection because there is no such thing as perfect. Imperfections are what make a woman stunning. "Love yourself for who you are", "Embrace your body and own it" is what I keep hearing. I understand the fact being the majority of women in America are overweight and now the media wants us all the feel good about ourselves because of teens going to extreme measures to emulate what they see in magazines. A teen that is sadly suffering from and eating disorder goes way deeper than what she sees in a magazine. Compare the about of obese teens in America to the number of anorexic teens and that will answer many questions in itself.


          There has to be a limit. I'm sorry if this offends anyone but if a woman is 5'4 and 180lbs she is not thick. Yes she's excited to finally be able to proclaim herself as thick and sexy, happily having meat on her bones and comfortably fitting into a size 8, which would have been a size 14 a few years ago. Is that the price to pay for high blood pressure, diabetes, abnormal cholesterol levels, gallstones, kidney disease, stroke, and osteoarthritis are just to name a few problems that come with "embracing thickness".  The self-gratification along with the health benefits of staying active and adding some healthy eating habits will make the same woman who was so happy to be thick feel better than she has ever felt in her life. I challenge some women to try and see for themselves.


         Another problem with "thick being the new sexy in thing" is I personally know women who are naturally slim forcing themselves to eat more donuts and drink extra-large cookies & cream shakes. Why? I believe by many women that I speak with it is because they want to fit in and they don't want to be called skinny. "Embracing who you are" is not for the healthy woman. It's for the unhealthy woman to feel good about herself. Yes she'll have many new medications but on the market daily to assist in controlling her ailments caused by being overweight.  But all that can simply be prevented with replacing a burger and fries with a salad and squeezing in any form of exercise your lifestyle allows.                                      Caring about your health and improving your psychological well-being is the real way to love yourself.

                                                                                Nakia Brown


So You Are Ready to Sheds Some of Your Extra Weight (fun & easy)

                         If you decided to give it a chance to shed some of those extra pounds that you have hanging around your body, well let’s get started. First off you have to commit. We are going to do a six day program. Yes I know it sounds like a lot but it really is not. It actually is necessary. It is not an intense I can’t get through it workout it is a fun I can do it no problem routine. We need to start with detoxing. Not by any crazy diet but by flushing out with drinking water. Try and stay away from the soda and sweet drinks. Keep the water flowing and let it flush out some of the bad. There will be no snaking on junk foods. This means no cakes, potato chips, candy, etc. You really don’t need to be told what the bad things that you shouldn’t be eating are. Next do not eat after dinner. If you are hungry after dinner have a half of an apple for a snack, that should be enough to curb your hunger. Then have water. Yes water, water, water. Since I am not there to work out with you, go to my videos on my website and try one that fits your fancy. If you are a beginner, I would go to the beginner aerobics. I will be posting a new video tomorrow. I will also post some good, healthy foods to eat. I will do a short workout for each day. All you need is about 10 to 15 minutes. I think that is do able, wouldn’t you say? Barbara Jeanne xo


Getting Fit, Let Me Take You Step By Step (Get to your target weight)

                         Summer isn’t here, not quite yet although the warmer weather is starting to roll in. It is still not too late to shed down a few pounds. Today everyone is saying that thick is in and to embrace your body. Although I do believe you should love your body, you want to be true to the body you would truly want to be sporting. So many people say they embrace their curves but it seems when they lose weight they seem to be slightly happier. Even Christina Aguilera was ecstatic that she has dropped several pounds and loves her newly fit body. It is true I hate to say but it is a wonderful feeling to be able to pick out your bathing suit that you want to wear. It’s not such a unhappy shopping day when you go to get your bathing suit and you have to get what fits your body, not the suit that you would love to be wearing. It is exciting when you can choose the clothes that you have wanted to wear. To be able to dare to go bare; to have that option is such an amazing feeling. Summer is all about showing skin not covering up. So take a few minutes and ask yourself if you are going to go another summer covered up, or are you going to go for it and do what is needed to lose that weight. If you decide to workout with me you will finally feel and look fit. I am not saying to go overboard but to get to your target weight for your height. I hope you join me to achieve your goal in becoming the fit you. You will not be doing this not alone. We will be doing this together. I will make your workout easier and more fun than you could ever imagine. Working out and losing weight will be easy to achieve if you follow my workout and food menu. Shall we begin? Barbara Jeanne xo


Getting Fit Is So Much Easier Than You Think (Let Me Get You There)

Its summer right around the corner, and it’s the last few week. Memorial Day weekend is this coming weekend but we still have a couple weeks until actual summer. And although we are in May, we have not gotten too much nice weather, especially on the East Coast. So let us try to get summer ready. I know how hard it is. I am by no means telling you to starve yourself. But most people know when they are snacking too much, picking, going for seconds and eating too many desserts. So let’s try to find a few ways to cut calories. First off in the morning, let’s start with protein or a little less calorie. Such as eggs, oatmeal, a healthy choice of cereal. Next choose you snacks, don’t wait until you’re absolutely hungry for any meal. At this point you will grab anything and usually it is an unhealthy choice. Have in your mind that you can achieve this goal and together we will make it happen. Keep the calories while trying to get down to your goal from 1300 to 1500 for woman and 1800 to 2100 for men. Keep away from fatty foods and almost everything you intake you can actually Google the amount of calories which is absolutely great. We will work on dishes to keep it fun and simple. Ok you have finished dinner and you have had your choose of snack, what do you get after this. Nothing but water unless you feel like you are going to pass out then have 4 saltines. If you are taking medication we will keep in basic to work around but find out if there is something you can’t have or need to do from your doctor. Sleep naked or light as I said this before. It will make your body need to kick start and run to keep your body warmer. That and the fact that you will wake with an empty stomach will help you lose quicker. Last thing I’m saying for now, move at work. While you’re standing squeeze those buns, stand on toes to work those calves. If you are sitting act like you are marching, or extend and fold your legs. And when you have a little bit of time put some music on and dance. Not into that walk around the block, around the house but move. You are on your way to becoming a fit, healthier you. You want to be able to pick the clothes you want. Not have the clothes pick you. Last… People come in all shapes and sizes, so find out what your target range is for you height and let’s get going. Time is ticking and summer is just about here…Yah! Barbara Jeanne xo