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Allow Your Love To Grow...How?

You don’t have to win each fight. You don’t have to control every situation. Most of all you shouldn’t feel you have to control your partner. It can be good if one has a bit of a stronger personality. The one that get’s up and does. Sometimes when both people in a relationship wants to lead at all times it can cause the two to bump heads. I have seen so many couple that one wants to control, taking the fun out of every situation. Example being when you have to be on top of them all the time by asking where they are going, where have you been, who is calling. When this is an everyday occurrence it is such a turn off and a good way to make you mate want to get away and fast. You have to keep in mind when the two of you first met how you would be silly, laughing and enjoying each other. You both were so considerate, wanting to please one another. As your relationship progresses it should get stronger a bigger bond. Although it seems these days as time goes by people get so lazy feeling they can take or leave the relationship. What is it going to take for a relationship to survive? Easy stay the person you were when you met.  Everyone changes and grows that is only natural. I am talking about wanting to do for you partner, wanting to have fun, make them happy, feel loved. By doing this it will allow the love to grow to a deeper level.  Xo Barbara Jeanne


The Way To A Healthy Relationship?


The answer to this question should be nobody. Both parties in the relationship are equal. That means you do not talk down to the other. Put down the other, that is just for starters. Second you should treat you partner as you would like to be treated, that means you don't belittle, nags or think you are superior to your mate because of status or job or any other reason. I was at a party that was held in a restaurant that turns into a night club at night. The girls were trying to get the guys jealous by dancing provocative with other men. These other men hand their arms around these girls touching their butts. These women were laughing it up acting all cute looking over at their men seeing if they were watching. I saw a couple of these men buying drinks for one of these ladies and her boyfriend said it was cool because it saves money from their pocket. In fact one guy she was dancing all sexy with ended up buying a drink for her and her boyfriend. Idiot! Most of the men wouldn't dance with their women. Is it so hard for men to make you lady happy by getting on the dance floor to please her? The men seem more concerned to drink. Maybe dancing isn't their thing but it isn't the dancing, it is more the touching the feeling and what might come from it. Men and women need to learn to reconnect. Then maybe a relationship can survive for the long haul. XO Barbara Jeanne



Unselfish Love?


So what does it take to have a healthy long lasting forever relationship? To be unselfish and to put your partners needs before yours at times. This is something that people don't seem to be doing, why? We are in a generation that we see our parents not wanting to do or give, so that is what we are learning in love. What we need to do is that gutt feeling you get when you first are in love. The way you act and all those things you would do for your new love is what we need to carry on throughout the distance of the relationship. Xo Barbara Jeanne



Insecurity In a Relationship?


I see so many people that come to me for advice or just talking, being so upset. They are so insecure because the person they are with is showing them little signs of care, love or concern. They get no phone calls or little to none. Texts that show no emotions, lack of wanting to see the person and no concern for the person or why then might be upset. The problem is that they really don't know or care that they are upsetting this person that they are sharing intimate times with. People have to realize if you are sharing intimate moments there is going to be some emotions involved. It is okay if you are not ready for a relationship but men & women have to remember not to jump up and down and get all excited if you intimate friend finally texts you. Don't do handstand when they want to see you every few weeks, because they are just so damn busy. They should be ashamed that they are even treating a person this way, especially a person that they are being intimate with. If this is all you are getting you should want more, you deserve more. xo Barbara Jeanne




Jealousy is such a nasty trait. I'm not sure if it actually turns you green with envy but is certainly doesn't make you look too pretty or handsome. Why does it get us so mad and evious when someone has something better then we do. I see so many people holding grudges, getting angry, how about the saying "I'll forgive but I don't forget" then why forgive. God wants to see people love, care, show each other kindness and respect. Did you ever think that may be the key to keeping the world going longer and if it  really was the way, would it make you a better person? Would it aleast make you think, or would someone have to literally come out of the wood work and say you are nasty and you are going to hell, toscare you enough to be a nice person?